Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
Grado en Ciencias del Mar
   Contingency plan

Given the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the health alert caused by COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will be activated when the administrations and the institution itself determine it, considering safety, health and responsibility criteria both in distance and in blended learning. These already planned measures guarantee, at the required time, the development of teaching in a more agile and effective way, as it is known in advance (or well in advance) by the students and teachers through the standardized tool.


* Teaching methodologies maintained

In the event that the teaching has to be taught in a mixed or virtual way, the classes and activities of the seminars will be maintained following the established teaching plan, even when these cannot be done in person.

* Teaching methodologies modified

In the event that teaching must be done in a mixed way, with face-to-face and virtual classes, or exclusively virtual, the same teaching will be carried out in both cases. To this end, classes will be videotaped and made available to students for viewing. The resolution of doubts can be done at the same time of the class, either in the same classroom (face-to-face), through chat or requesting audio during the class (mixed or virtual teaching). Additionally, the FAITIC teledoaching platform will be enabled for the resolution of doubts and the students will be able to send emails to the teacher for the resolution of specific doubts.
In the case of teledoaching, classes will preferably take place through the Remote Campus of the University. If the type of internet connection at home, both for the students and the teacher, prevents the use of the remote campus, other video conferencing systems that work under those technological limitations will be sought, such as Skype or Zoom. Similarly, if the recorded class videos cannot be distributed to students from FAITIC, external cloud storage systems will be sought to store and download the videos.
In the case of the confinement, limitations to the displacement or in the number of people affect the accomplishment of the laboratory practices and the exits, several possible alternatives are contemplated. If possible, both the laboratory practices and the exits will be postponed to a date in which they can be carried out, this conditioned to the limitations of the teaching calendar and always within the current academic year. In the event that it is not possible to carry out one of these activities, priority will be given to carrying out laboratory practices. If it is impossible to carry out these activities in person, then the laboratory practices will be carried out virtually using real databases from previous practices.

* Non-attendance mechanisms for student attention (tutoring)

In case of non-classroom teaching or limitations that imply the convenience of not doing face-to-face tutoring, these will be carried out virtually through videoconferences in the Virtual Office of the Remote Campus of the University or, if there are problems with this system, using Skype or Zoom . At the same time, the doubts, questions or tutorials of the students can be made and answered by email.

* Modifications (if applicable) of the contents

Modifying the contents of the Aquaculture course is not contemplated. This, because if it were not possible to teach the entire content in class, it is considered that all the subjects of the Aquaculture course can be obtained from the class notes given by the teacher at FAITIC, as well as with the videos of the classes and the bibliography provided.

* Additional bibliography to facilitate self-learning

It is recommended to visit the FAO website and read the documents on Aquaculture corresponding to the species and techniques that appear in the program and lecture notes.

* Other modifications

No major modifications are contemplated in terms of the teaching methodology to be carried out.


* Tests already carried out and pending

Given that the subject of Aquaculture is evaluated through various types of tests that allow a continuous evaluation and without the excessive preponderance of any of them, it is not considered necessary to change the weight of the evaluation to be carried out, which would be:
Written Test: [Previous Weight 40%] [Proposed Weight 40%]
Test type tests: [Previous weight 15%] [Proposed Weight 15%]
Seminars: [Previous weight 10%] [Proposed Weight 10%]
Laboratory Practices: [Previous Weight 35%] [Proposed Weight 35%]

* Tests that are modified

Written Test: In the event that this test must be performed virtually and not in person, it will be done through the FAITIC Platform and Moodle. Its structure will change, giving greater importance to alternative or short answer answers instead of long development answers.
Test type tests: In the event that the type tests already carried out exceed 60% of the possible tests, these tests will be considered as completed. In the event that they could not be carried out in person, or if those carried out were less than 60%, these will be carried out through weekly questionnaires of alternatives in FAITIC.

* Additional Information

In any case, as in the case of face-to-face teaching, to pass the Aquaculture course, each student must have passed the written test of Theory and Practices separately (with a grade higher than 5.0).
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000