Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grado en Ciencias del Mar
  Biological oceanography II
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Seminars Oral presentation of the synthesis of a scientific article. The clarity and correctness of the presentation are especially valued, as well as the rigor in the use and application of concepts. The mark obtained in June is maintained for the July call. Upon consultation with the course's coordinator, students may present this work again for the July call. 20 B1
Problem solving Students solve practical cases similar to those used during the practical sessions. The mark obtained the June call is maintained for the July call. Upon consultation with the course's coordinator, students may resubmit this work for the July call. 20 B1
Objective questions exam Intermediate test with closed answers (true/false, multiple choice) that assess the acquisition of knowledge and skills covered during the first half of the course. 20 A1
Problem and/or exercise solving Final written test includes short questions and practical cases. The test is designed to assess the acquisition of knowledge and skills covered during the lectures, seminars and practical sessions. 40 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

The date, time and place of exams will be published in the official web of the Faculty of Marine Sciences:

Global assessment option: The
for this evaluation option must be submitted in the time and manner
determined by the Center, which will be published prior to the academic

The mark obtained in the two tasks (synthesis of a scientific article and case resolution) is kept for the 2nd opportunity call. However, the marks obtained in the intermediate test and in the final written test are NOT kept for the 2nd opportunity call. Therefore, all students who make use of the second call must take the final exam, which represents 60% of the total mark for the course. It is possible, after consulting with the coordinator, to deliver the two tasks again for consideration in the second call.

All enrolled students must deliver the two tasks, because the marks obtained in earlier academic years are not kept.

Students must behave honestly and responsibly. Any form of copying or plagiarism, intended to alter the level of acquired knowledge and abilities, in exams, evaluations, reports or any other kind of student work is completely unacceptable. Fraudulent behaviour may result in the failing of the course for a whole academic year. An internal dossier of these activities will be kept and, in cases of reoffending, the University Rectorate will be asked to open a disciplinary enquiry”

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