Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grado en Ciencias del Mar
  Marine zoology
Topic Sub-topic
LESSON 1: INTRODUCTION Definition and objectives of the subject.
General characteristics of the metazoa: definition and models of organisation
LESSON 2: PHYLUM PORIFERA. PHYLUM PLACOZOA. PORIFERA: general characteristics, cell types and skeleton. Types of organisation. Reproduction and development. Systematic summary.
PLACOZOA: Form and function.
LESSON 3: PHYLUM CNIDARIA General characteristics. Polymorphism: The polyp and the medusa. Cell types. Reproduction. Systematic summary. Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Staurozoa, Cubozoa and Anthozoa: form and function.
LESSON 4: PHYLUM CTENOPHORA General characteristics. (Corporal organisation) Form and function. Reproduction. Systematic summary
Phylum Xenacoelomorpha: Form and function.
Phylum Platyhelminthes: General characteristics and classification; Turbellaria: form and function.
Phylum Gastrotricha: General characteristics and classification; Turbellaria: form and function.
Phylum Mesozoa: General characteristics and classification.
LESSON 6. THE GNATIFERA AND ANOTHER LOWER PROTOSTOMATES Phyla Gnathostomulida, Rotifera, Cycliophora, and Entoprocta: form and function.
LESSON 7: The LOPHOPHORATES. General characteristics.
Phylum Bryozoa: Form and function; reproduction and development; systematic summary.
Phylum Brachiopoda: Form and function; reproduction and development; systematic summary.
Phylum Phoronida: Form and function; reproduction and development.
LESSON 8: PHYLUM MOLLUSCA (I) General characteristics. (Corporal organisation) Form and function. Classification. Synopses of the lower class (Caudofoveata, Solenogastra, Polyplacophora, Monoplacophora and Scaphopoda)
LESSON 9: PHYLUM MOLLUSCA (II) Class Gastropoda: general characteristics; coiling; torsion; (corporal organisation) form and function; reproduction and development; systematic summary
LESSON 10: PHYLUM MOLLUSCA (III) Class Bivalvia: general characteristics; (corporal organisation): form and function; reproduction and development; systematic summary
LESSON 11: PHYLUM MOLLUSCA (IV) Class Cephalopoda: general characteristics; (corporal organisation): form and function; reproduction and development; systematic summary
LESSON 12: PHYLUM NEMERTEANS Phylum Nemerteans: General characteristics; (corporal organisation) form and function; reproduction and development; systematic summary.
LESSON 13: PHYLUM ANNELIDA General characteristics; metamerism; classification. Class Polychaeta: general characteristics; (corporal organisation): form and function; reproduction and development.
Specific features of Siboglinids, Echiurids and Sipunculids
LESSON 14: ECDISOZOA: INTRODUCTION and LOWER PHYLA Definition and systematic summary .
Phyla Nematoda, Kinorhyncha, Priapulida, Loricifera and Tardigrada: form and function.
LESSON 15: PHYLUM ARTHROPODA General characteristics. (Corporal organisation) Form and function. Classification.
Subphylum Cheliceriformes: General characteristics; Classification. Merostomata and Pycnogonida: form and function.
LESSON 16: PHYLUM ARTHROPODA: SUBPHYLUM CRUSTACEA (I) General characteristics. Reproduction and development.Classification.
LESSON 17: PHYLUM ARTHROPODA: SUBPHYLUM CRUSTACEA (II) Class Malacostraca: (corporal organisation) form and function, life forms and classification (Phyllocarida, Hoplocarida and Eumalacostraca).
LESSON 19: THE DEUTEROSTOMES. PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA. PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA Phylum Chaetognatha: General characteristics. Form and function. Reproduction and development.
Phylum Echinodermata: General characteristics. (Corporal organisation) Form and function. Endoskeleton. Water vascular system.
LESSON 18: PHYLUM ARTHROPODA: SUBPHYLUM CRUSTACEA (III) Class Remipedia, Cephalocarida, Branchiopoda Mistacocarida, Copepoda, Ostracoda and Thecostraca:
external anatomy and life forms; form and function.
LESSON 20: PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA (II) Class Crinoidea, Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea: General characteristics; (corporal organisation:) form and function; reproduction and development. Systematic summary
LESSON 21: PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA (III) Class Echinoidea and Holothuroidea: General characteristics; (corporal organisation:) form and function; reproduction and development. Systematic summary
LESSON 22: PHYLUM HEMICHORDATA General characteristics and classification.
Class Enteropneusta and Pterobranchia: general characteristics; form and function; reproduction and development.
LESSON 23: PHYLUM CHORDATA (I) General characteristics and classification.
Subphyla Tunicata and Cephalochordata: general characteristics; form and function; reproduction and development.
LESSON 24: PHYLUM CHORDATA (II) The Agnatha: general characteristics and classification. Class Myxini and Cephalaspidomorphi: form and function.
The Chondrichthyes: general characteristics; (corporal organisation:) form and function; reproduction and development; systematic summary.
LESSON 25: PHYLUM CHORDATA (III) The Osteichthyes: general characteristics; habitat and distribution; form and function; functional adaptations; migrations; reproduction and development; systematic summary.
LESSON 26: PHYLUM CHORDATA (IV) The Marine Tetrapoda: main groups; adaptations of the reptilia, birds and mammalian to the marine environment; systematic summary and general characteristics of the orders
PRACTICAL LESSONS Lesson 1.- PORIFERA. The skeleton of Sponges: methods of extraction and preparation of spicules; microscopical study.

Lesson 2.- CNIDARIA. The polyp and the medusa: morphology. Observation of representatives of Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa and Anthozoa.

Lesson 3.-. MOLLUSCA I. External morphology of the main groups: Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda, Bivalvia, Gastropoda and Cephalopoda; identification with keys of several species.

Lesson 4.- MOLLUSCA II. Internal anatomie: disection of a Bivalvia: Mytilus galloprovincialis.

Lesson 5.- POLYCHAETA. External morphology: Errantia and Sedentaria polychaetes; identification with keys of some species.

Lesson 6.- ARTHROPODA I. Crustacea: External morphology; internal anatomie: and disection of a Malacostraca: Nephrops norvegicus; observation and identification of brachiurans.

Lesson 7.- ARTHROPODA II. Crustacea: observation of Amphipoda, Isopoda, Cirripedia and Copepoda; identification with keys of some species.
Pycnogonida And Xiphosura: observation of some exemplars.

Lesson 8.- ECHINODERMATA I. External morphology of the main groups. Identification with keys of several species.

Lesson 8.- ECHINODERMATA II. External morphology and internal anatomie: disection of a Echinoidea: Paracentrotus lividus.

Lesson 10.- Chordata. Observation of Tunicata and Cephalochordata; external morphology, identification and disection of a Osteichthyes.
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