Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
Grado en Ciencias del Mar
  Principles of marine microbiology
   Contingency plan

- MODIFICATIONS IN THEORY LESSONS: a) The lectures will be given synchronously in the classroom and in the Remote Campus. The Deanship will distribute the students into two groups, which will follow the classes in one or the other modality, respectively. b) The program of contents will be maintained, but the depth of the topics will be reduced if the rhythm of progress is altered by incidents of a technical nature. c) The evaluation tests will take place online, from Faitic (or Moodle) and Remote Campus, simultaneously.
2. MODIFICATIONS IN PRACTICAL AND SEMINARS: the both activities will be face-to-face. There are no modifications on seminars. In Laboratory Practical the following are established: a) Part of the contents will be treated by means of virtual laboratory videos. b) The students will dedicate part of the daily time of the practical to the disinfection of their work stations and the equipment and utensils they have used.
3. OTHER COMMENTS ON THE EVALUATION: The description in the section of the same name in this Teaching Guide is maintained (Step 7).
4. MODIFICATIONS IN TUTORIALS: during tutorial hours, students may use e-mail to express doubts about theoretical or practical classes. The attention to the students is reinforced by enabling the Faitic Forum (or Moodle).


1. MODIFICATIONS IN THEORY CLASSES: the exhibition sessions will take place in Remote Campus for the total number of students.
2. MODIFICATIONS IN PRACTICES AND SEMINARS: the practical classes will be given from the Remote Campus, by means of presentations by the professor, demonstrative videos and resolution of questionnaires, exercises and practical cases. With respect to the Seminars, the Collaborative Learning sessions described in this Teaching Guide (Step 5) will be replaced by the preparation of individual or group deliverables.
3. OTHER COMMENTS ON EVALUATION: what is described in the section of the same name in this Teaching Guide (Step 7) is maintained, with a modification: the minimum mark required in the tests, both theory and practice, in order to add up the percentage marks will be 4 points out of 10.
4. SOURCES OF INFORMATION: the students will have at their disposal in Faitic the resources mentioned in this Teaching Guide (steps 5 and 8), in addition to all the didactic material used in the non-presential classes of the Practices.
5. MODIFICATIONS IN TUTORIALS: during tutorial hours, students may use e-mail to express doubts about theoretical or practical classes. The attention to the students is reinforced by enabling the Faitic Forum (or Moodle).
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000