Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grado en Ciencias del Mar
  Chemical oceanography I
Topic Sub-topic
1. Composition and physicochemical properties of seawater. - Introduction.
- Ion-solvent interactions.
- Ion-ion interactions.
- Physicochemical properties of seawater.
- Salinity.
2. Transport phenomena. - Non-ionic transport phenomena: Heat conductivity, viscosity and diffusion.
- Advection-diffusion equation.
- Electrical conductivity.
3. Mixing processes in coastal systems. - Introduction.
- Estuaries: Classification and types. Description.
- Mixing processes in estuaries: Models. Quantitative models.
4. Liquid-gas interface. - Interfacial thermodynamics: Surfaces and interfaces. Surface tension. Superficial excess.
- Gas solubility in seawater.
- Models for estimating gas exchange at the gas-liquid interface.
- Nonconservative gases.
- Oxygen in seawater.
- Alkalinity of natural waters.
5. Solid-liquid interface - Introduction.
- Double layer. Models.
- Adsorption at the solid-liquid interface: Physisorption and chemisorption. Adsorption isotherms.
- Behavior of particulate and colloidal material in sea water.
- Diagenesis and interstitial waters.
Laboratory experiment 1 Determination of physicochemical properties of water in the Vigo Estuary
Laboratory experiment 2 Determination of the surface tension of organic compounds and influence of related factors.
Laboratory experiment 3 Study of adsorption from solution at the solid-liquid interface.
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