Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grado en Ciencias del Mar
  Marine botany
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving Exam relating to the theoretical part of the course 40 A2
Problem and/or exercise solving Three QUESTIONNAIRES (tests) related to the main blocks of the subject.

The questionnaires do not ‘discount contents’, are only an aid to the study.

The grades obtained will only be considered in the First Opportunity; in the Second Opportunity the evaluation of the theoretical part will be exclusively through an Exam.
15 A2
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Evaluation of INDIVIDUAL REPORTS referring to the activities on the practical classes in the field and laboratory.

In case of not passing this part in the First Opportunity, a practice exam must be taken in the Second Opportunity.
25 A5
Case studies INDIVIDUAL REPORT on the case study proposed and developed in the Seminars.

If necessary, recovery in the Second Chance will be carried out through a test Exam
5 A2
Essay Collaborative preparation of a written report, and public presentation of the supervised works.

In case of not passing this part in the First Opportunity, an individual report must be done for the Second Opportunity.
15 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation


The final grade will be the sum of the partial grades
obtained in each of the proposed tests, but only if the grade of each of one of
them is greater than 40% of the maximum grade for that test. If that minimum is not reached, the final grade will be FAIL.

Students who do not attend the final Theory Exam or
the practice test will be qualified as NOT PRESENTED.

Attendance at practical classes IS MANDATORY, and therefore that student
who does not attend to all classes without a just cause cannot be evaluated in
this part and will not be able to recover this part in the Second Opportunity.


In the Second Opportunity the results already approved in the First
Opportunity will be preserved, except for the Theory questionnaires: since they
do not 'discount contents' all the Theory content must be recovered together in
the Exam, which increases its weight in the final grade up to 55%.

In the Second Opportunity, the practical grade can be recovered with a
practice exam, with the same weight in the final grade (25%).

In the Second Opportunity, those students who had not reached half of the
grade of the Collaborative Essay in the First Opportunity (0.7), must repeat
the Work but individually and with the same weight in the final grade (1.5).

In the Second Opportunity, the seminars grade (5%) can be recovered through
an "Exam of objective questions" (test).

As in the First Opportunity, the final grade will
be the sum of the partial grades obtained in each of the proposed tests, but
only if the grade of each of one of them is greater than 40% of the maximum
grade for that test.

 In case of not passing the course, the qualifications
of the seminars and the supervised works may be kept from one course to the
next, but only once.

Global assessment option

The application for this evaluation option must be submitted in the time
and manner determined by the Center, which will be published prior to the
academic start. Given the experimental nature of the practices, attendance at
them is mandatory to be eligible for this evaluation option. The weight of practices will be the same as for the continuous assessment (25%), and the rest of the grade can be obtained with the final exam. In any case, half of the qualification must be obtained for each part (practice and theory) in order to pass the course. Failure to attend the
practices, with no justified cause invalidates this possibility, as well as the
opportunity for extraordinary evaluation (2nd opportunity).

 It is required that the students in this course behave
in a responsible and honest way.

It is deemed inadmissible any form of fraud (i.e. copy
and / or plagiarism) in any type of test or report designed to evaluate the
level of knowledge or skill achieved by a student. Any fraud on the part of the student will result in failing the course; further fraud will lead to start disciplinary actions in front of the Rectorate

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