Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grado en Ciencias del Mar
  Chemistry: Chemistry 2
Topic Sub-topic
1. Principles of thermodynamics The internal energy and the first principle. Enthalpy. Heat capacities. Ideal gases and first principle. Entropy and second principle. Calculation of entropy differences. Entropy, reversibility and irreversibility.
2. Thermodynamic functions Gibbs and Helmholtz functions. Gibbs equations. Calculation of changes in state functions. Partial molar magnitudes. Chemical potential.
3. Phase equilibrium in one-component system Phase equilibrium conditions. The phase rule. Phase diagram of water. The equations of Clapeyron and Clausius-Clapeyron.
4. Thermodynamics of ideal solutions Chemical potential of an ideal gas. Ideal solutions. Vapor pressure. Ideal diluted solutions. Colligative properties: their influence on sea water. Osmotic pressure.
5. Thermodynamics of real solutions and electrolyte solutions Deviations from Raoult's Law. Activity and activity coefficient. Determination of activities and activity coefficients. Chemical potential in electrolyte solutions and their activity coefficient. Debye-Hückel's theory. Thermodynamics of solvation of ions. Sea water as an electrolyte solution. Quantitative treatment of polyelectrolyte solutions.
Thermodynamics of chemical equilibrium Chemical equilibrium and degree of progress of a reaction. Variation of the equilibrium constant with temperature. Chemical equilibrium in real solutions. Chemical equilibrium in electrolyte solutions. Effect of ionic strength on equilibrium.
Laboratory practices Practices related to the following topics will be carried out: Heat. Heat capacity. Integral and differential heat. Solution and neutralization heat. Method of solubility: enthalpy. Calorimetric method. Enthalpy, heat, heat of reaction, thermal capacity. Chemical potential. Study of the liquid-vapor equilibrium of mixtures of two liquids. Enthalpy of vaporization. Phase diagram. Rule of the phases. Raoult's Law. Ebulloscopic increase. Activity. Coefficient of activity. Chemical equilibrium. Ionic strength and its effect on the equilibrium constant. Solubility product. Effect of ionic strength on solubility.
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