Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Grado en Ingeniería de los Recursos Mineros y Energéticos
  Generation and distribution of conventional and renewable thermal energy
   Personalized assistance
Methodologies Description
Lecturing Time dedicated by the teacher to meet the needs and queries of students related to the study and / or topics related to the subject and activities developed. This activity will be developed in person (directly in the office and schedules assigned by the teacher) or by telematic means (e-mail, videoconference, Moovi forums, ...) under the modality of prior arrangement.
Problem solving Time dedicated by the teacher to meet the needs and queries of students related to the study and / or topics related to the subject and activities developed. This activity will be developed in person (directly in the office and schedules assigned by the teacher) or by telematic means (e-mail, videoconference, Moovi forums, ...) under the modality of prior arrangement.
Laboratory practical Time dedicated by the teacher to meet the needs and queries of students related to the study and / or topics related to the subject and activities developed. This activity will be developed in person (directly in the office and schedules assigned by the teacher) or by telematic means (e-mail, videoconference, Moovi forums, ...) under the modality of prior arrangement.
Practices through ICT Time dedicated by the teacher to meet the needs and queries of students related to the study and / or topics related to the subject and activities developed. This activity will be developed in person (directly in the office and schedules assigned by the teacher) or by telematic means (e-mail, videoconference, Moovi forums, ...) under the modality of prior arrangement.
Studies excursion Time dedicated by the teacher to meet the needs and queries of students related to the study and / or topics related to the subject and activities developed. This activity will be developed in person (directly in the office and schedules assigned by the teacher) or by telematic means (e-mail, videoconference, Moovi forums, ...) under the modality of prior arrangement.
Case studies Time dedicated by the teacher to meet the needs and queries of students related to the study and / or topics related to the subject and activities developed. This activity will be developed in person (directly in the office and schedules assigned by the teacher) or by telematic means (e-mail, videoconference, Moovi forums, ...) under the modality of prior arrangement.
Tests Description
Objective questions exam Time dedicated by the teacher to meet the needs and queries of students related to the study and / or topics related to the subject and activities developed. This activity will be developed in person (directly in the office and schedules assigned by the teacher) or by telematic means (e-mail, videoconference, Moovi forums, ...) under the modality of prior arrangement.
Problem and/or exercise solving Time dedicated by the teacher to meet the needs and queries of students related to the study and / or topics related to the subject and activities developed. This activity will be developed in person (directly in the office and schedules assigned by the teacher) or by telematic means (e-mail, videoconference, Moovi forums, ...) under the modality of prior arrangement.
Self-assessment Time dedicated by the teacher to meet the needs and queries of students related to the study and / or topics related to the subject and activities developed. This activity will be developed in person (directly in the office and schedules assigned by the teacher) or by telematic means (e-mail, videoconference, Moovi forums, ...) under the modality of prior arrangement.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000