Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía
  Geomatics Applied to Energy Efficiency
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving Evaluation of the teaching-learning process and the acquisition of skills and knowledge through problem-solving tests and exercises.
With this methodology all the expected results from this subject are assessed.
40 B1
Objective questions exam Evaluation of the teaching-learning process and the acquisition of skills and knowledge through multiple-choice or short-answer tests.
With this methodology all the expected results from this subject are assessed.
20 B1
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Evaluation of the teaching-learning process and the acquisition of skills and knowledge through the completion of assignments and/or projects.
With this methodology all the expected results from this subject are assessed.
40 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation

The evaluation will preferably be continuous. The global evaluation will be available to students who resign to the continuous evaluation within the deadlines to be defined at the beginning of the teaching period.

Minimum grades: It will be necessary to achieve a minimum grade, which will be indicated at the beginning of the term, in all the tests that are part of the evaluation. Obtaining the minimum grade in all of them will be an indispensable condition to pass the course.

Having passed the minimum grades, the grade of the subject will be the result of averaging, with the weight indicated in the teaching guide, the grades of the tests taken.

The second opportunity of continuous evaluation (extraordinary) will consist in the resolution of problems and/or exercises and in the realization of multiple-choice or short answer tests, on the official date indicated in the exam calendar. The grade obtained with the practice reports will be retained. In case this grade does not reach the minimum required, a report of the failed practical block or an equivalent test must be taken. The calculation of the final grade will follow the same methodological parameters as in the first evaluation opportunity.

The calendar of exams will be available on the School's web page.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000