Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería de Minas y Energía
Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía
  Thermal Energy Management
Topic Sub-topic
1. THE SOCIETY AND THE USE OF THE ENERGY Introduction. Basic concepts. Energy and society. Sources of energy: renewable and no renewable. Energy Utilisation and Management. Energetic efficiency. Energy and environment
2. THE ENERGY AUDIT Energy management. Energetic approach.
Phases of an audit. Justification of investments. Building Energy Simulation.
3. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Introduction to economic analysis. Capital in time. investment evaluation criteria.
4. FUELS Energy and fuels. Storage, transport and manipulation of fuels. Regulation.
5. INDUSTRIAL AUDITS Introduction. Main differences with the tertiary sector. Boilers and systems of thermal generation. Simulation of Thermal Instalations.
6. LEGISLATION AND TARIFF STRUCTURE OF FUELS Introduction. Prices of Electricity. Prices of Natural Gas. Prices of LPG. Prices of Diesel. Prices of Biomass. Prices of Coal.
7. SAVING AND IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS Natural resources. Waste energy resources. Improvements in the construction. Losses in engines. Saving Programs. Use of simulations in energy saving projects.
8. REGULATION OF THERMAL INSTALLATIONS RD 1027/2007. Annex 1: general disposals. Annex 2: technical instructions.
9. INSTRUMENTATION Demand Parameters. Inner thermal conditions. Envelope Conditions. Energetic efficiency measures.
10. COMBINED HEAT AND POWER Introduction: definitions and parameters. Classification of CHP Systems. CHP Systems. CHP in the industry and in the tertiary sector. CHP Projects and savings. Legislation.
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