Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
  Distributed Computing
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Project based learning The students, organized in groups, will develop a solution to a software system with specific requirements. 35 A2
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Detailed report of the tasks during the practices of laboratory carried out in group. 5 A4
Objective questions exam Series of short answer questions and/or multiple choice. 20 A5
Objective questions exam Series of short answer questions and/or multiple choice. 40 A5
Other comments on the Evaluation
Students can, at ordinary exam, decide to be assessed according to a continuous assessment model or by global assessment. During the first week of the course, students must notify the subject coordinator about their choice. In case of choosing continuous assessment, a period of 1 month is offered to be able to renounce it. Once the students choose the continuous assessment model, their grade can never be "Not Submitted". For extraordinary exam the students will be evaluated using the modality of "global assessment" (some modifications over the original practices can be required). The scores obtained in ordinary exame are not preserved for extraordinary exam.

Plagiarism and copying are not allowed. In the event of detection of plagiarism or copying in any of the tests, the final grade will be FAIL (0) and the fact will be communicated to the Center's management for appropriate purposes.


To pass the course requires a minimum score of 5 points. The score will be the result to add the scores received in each one of the following parts:

  • Exam 1:
    • Dates: Approved in the Comisión Académica de Grado (CAG), they will be available at the beginning of the academic semester.
    • Individually
    • Contents: Theoretical content given until this moment
    • Type: Series of short answer questions and/or test type ones
    • Maximum score = 2 points
  • Exam 2:
    • Dates: Official calendar (coinciding with the global assessment for those that opted by this modality)
    • Individually
    • Contents: Theoretical content given until this moment excepting those that already were assessed in the Exam 1.
    • Type: Series of short answer questions and/or test type ones
    • Maximum score = 4 points
  • Practice:
    • Dates: Throughout the semester (not being compulsory practices).
    • In group:
      • Reports / memories of practice and Laboratory practice: A personalized score is asigned to each member of the group according to the following:
      • Final score of practices = (Memory + Practice) * Weighting factor
        • Memory maximum score = 0.5 points
        • Practice maximum score = 3.5 points (verification of the correct operation of the practice and of possible changes to be made in it, in group or individually).
        • Weighting factor = (Follow-up by the teacher + Peers assessment) / 20
          • Follow-up by the teacher: About the work carried out by each student observed by the teacher (0-10)
          • Peers assessment: Within each group. Each student asseses his/her partners about the work they did (0-10). Then, an arithmetic average is calculated for each student.
    • Maximum score= 4 points


To pass the course requires a minimum score of 5 points.

  • Theoretical exam:
    • Dates: Official calendar
    • Individually
    • Contents: Given in the whole theoretical part of the course.
    • Type: Series of short answer questions and/or test type ones
    • Maximum score= 6 points
  • Practice exam and delivery of practice:
    • Dates of the exam: Official calendar
    • Dates of the delivery of practice: Before the exam.
    • Individually.
    • Type: Verification of the correct operation of the practice and of possible changes to be made in it.
    • Maximum score= 4 points
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