Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
  Integrated Circuits Design and Manufacturing
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving As part of the continuous evaluation, it will take place in mid-course an individual written test of 60 minutes, in one of the lecture sessions. This test will involve 20% of the final grade.
To pass the course, students must achieve a mark of 4 or higher in a 0-10.
Competences C10 and A4 will be assessed in these tests.
20 A4
Problem and/or exercise solving At the end of the theoretical content, students will have a second 60-minute exam, during one of the lectures. This test will represent 20% of the final grade.
To pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain at least a score of 4 out of 10.
In this test the competences C10, A4 and B8 are evaluated.
20 A4
Laboratory practice As part of the continuous assessment of the subject, each student will be evaluated for each of the practices. In the evaluation will take into account the work of preparation prior to the realization of the practice, assistance, punctuality and use. The total qualification of the practices will be obtained as an arithmetic average of the qualification of each of them. The internship note is not kept for successive academic courses.
In this part the C10, A4, A5 and B8 skills are evaluated.
20 A4
Essay The evaluation of the work will be performed from memory supporting and public presentation of results. Each group of students you must submit a report of the work has been carried out, indicating expresses the contribution of each to the whole, as well as methodology followed for the distribution and coordination of tasks. The evaluation of the work will be based on the following aspects:
- Analysis of alternatives
- Correct implementation and design verification
- Design compaction
- Use of appropriate strategies to minimize the effects of imperfections in the manufacturing process and to ensure good matching of the electrical characteristics between components or devices that like this require it by functional reasons.
- Information for integrated circuit manufacturing.
- Formal aspects: clarity and order, including figures and appropriate and outstanding data, as well as explanations in a concrete and comprehensive way. Each student will have an individual public exposure of the project has personally performed (including tasks planning and coordination if applicable). The presentations of the students from each group will be out in the same session, 1 hour. Each student will have 5 minutes for their presentation. At the end of the presentation, students must answer questions from teachers and other students present. The evaluation will be based on both the content and formal aspects of the presentation and the answers to questions. It may also assess positively to students who perform relevant questions. The explanatory report should be submitted at least two days before public presentation of work.
To pass the course, the student will need obtain at least a score of 5 over 10 in memory, get to least a score of 5 out of 10 in public presentation. In the evaluation of the practical tests, the memory note will weigh 70% and the presentation 30%.
In this test the C10, A4, A5 and B8 skills are evaluated.
40 A4
Other comments on the Evaluation

Continuos assessment:

The planning of the different evaluations will be notified to the students on the first day of classes.

In order to pass the course, students must achieve a global mark of 5 or higher in a 0-10 scale. The global mark will be obtained as the weighted summation of the scores obtained in the different parts of the course. A minimum score is required in each of these parts. For students not achieving the minimum score in any of the parts, the global mark will be the lower value between 4.5 and the weighted summation of scores.

Global assessment:

Students not in continuous evaluation will be evaluated as follows:

- Final test will be 50% of the overall grade of the course. It will consist of two parts: short answer questions and resolution of problems. The part of the questions will represent 50 % of the test qualification and the part of resolution of problems the other 50%. In order to calculate the grade it is necessary to obtain at least 50 % of the maximum score for each part. 

- They must develop a project, and deliver the corresponding report and public presentation (in the same sessions and with the same criteria as students in continuous evaluation). Reports are due two days before the public presentation. The project qualification will involve 50% of the overall grade of the course. In the final qualification of the project, the memory report has a corresponding percentage of 70% and the other 30% is obtained from the qualification of the presentation. In order to calculate the grade it is necessary to obtain at least 50 % of the maximum score for each part.

The deadline to renounce to continuos assessment will be one month before the end date of the semester, according to the calendar of the center. The procedure will be by sending an email to the teaching staff requesting the renounce of continuous assessment.

For students not achieving the minimum score in any of the parts, the global mark will be the lower value between 4.5 and the weighted summation of scores.

Extraordinary call:

Students who attend this call will be evaluated identically to the global assessment:

- Final test will be 50% of the overall grade of the course. It will consist of two parts: short answer questions and resolution of problems. The part of the questions will represent 50 % of the test qualification and the part of resolution of problems the other 50%. In order to calculate the grade it is necessary to obtain at least 50 % of the maximum score for each part. 

- They must develop a project, and deliver the corresponding report and public presentation. Reports are due two days before the public presentation. The project qualification will involve 50% of the overall grade of the course. In the final qualification of the project, the memory report has a corresponding percentage of 70% and the other 30% is obtained from the qualification of the presentation. In order to calculate the grade it is necessary to obtain at least 50 % of the maximum score for each part.

For students not achieving the minimum score in any of the parts, the global mark will be the lower value between 4.5 and the weighted summation of scores.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000