Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving Conceptual questions on the course syllabus. 10 A2
Laboratory practice It will value the quality of the homeworks assigned, the participation and attitude showed in the lectures, as well as the oral presentation of the work. 60 A2
Essay questions exam Final examination: Evaluation of the competencie that includes open questions on a subject. The students have to develop, relate, organise and present the knowledges that have on the matter in an extensive answer to a practical situation posed. 30 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation

It will be offered to the students enrolled in this class two systems of evaluation: continuous assesment and exam-only assesment.

The system of continuous assesment will consist on:

  • A short test to be held in class around the mid-teaching period. 10% rating. Rating EC1, with a maximum of 1 point.
  • An antenna design for a particular application. It will be held autonomously through the use of software simulation tools. The student will prepare and deliver a report to be presented in class at the end of the semester. Rating EC2, with a maximum of 6 points. The 6 points of this exercise will be distributed as follows: 2 points for active participation in the sessions (in C groups) dedicated to the design, presentation and discussion; 2 points for the quality of the proposed solution; 1 point for the quality of the report submitted; and 1 point for the quality of the oral presentation.
  • An extended-response exercise in which problems of analysis and design of antennas for specific applications will be solved. It will be held in the same day fixed for the regular final exam for the course. 30% rating. Rating EC3, with a maximum of 3 points.
  • The continuous assessment tests are not recoverable, ie, if a student can not fulfill them within the stipulated period the teacher is not required to repeat them.
  • The final score for continuous assessment (EC) was calculated as the sum of the scores on the three planned tests: EC =EC1 + EC2 + EC3, and covers the following competences: CB2, CG4, CE2, CE3, CE5
  • The score on the assessable tasks (EC) will be valid only for the academic year in which they are made.
  • There is a 1 month period to leave continuous evaluation. 
  • The participation in practices is voluntary.


It involves:

  • A final exam that will assess competencies CB2, CG4, CE2, CE3, CE5. 40% rating. EF1 score, with a maximum of 4 points.
  • The day of the exam the student will deliver a report on an antenna design previously assigned. The student will give an oral presentation at a public meeting in the shortest possible time respecting the compatibility with other tests of the same course and certification. Rated EF2 with a maximum of 3 points for the report and 3 points for the presentation.
  • The EF1 and EF2 partial qualifications may be held only until the single evaluation - second call and within the ongoing course.


It will follow the same procedure as in global assesment - ordinary call. Students, communicating it previously to the start of the exam, may retain their previous note EF1 part (or alternatively EC1 EC3 +) or the EF2 (or EC2) part.


It will follow the same procedure as in global assesment - ordinary call. Students, communicating it previously to the start of the exam, may retain their previous note EF1 part (or alternatively EC1 EC3 +) or the EF2 (or EC2) part.


  • Before the completion or delivery date of each test, the procedure and review of scores will be published within a reasonable period of time.
  • Every student that comes to the final test is considered as presented. It will also be considered as presented to the test every student who qualifies for the continuous evaluation system in the terms described above.
  • It is considered that the subject is approved if the final grade is equal to or greater than 5.
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