Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
  Advanced Digital Electronic Systems
Topic Sub-topic
Introdution to digital integrated circuits CMOS technology: NMOS and PMOS technologies, CMOS gates, CMOS fabrication.

HW design methodologies: custom, semicustom, cell-based, array-based, programmable logic devices (FPGAs).

SW design methodologies: abstraction levels, design methods, design flow, IPs.
Advanced VHDL VHDL description of complex digital systems: variables, arrays, records, generics, generate, funcion, procedure.

VHDL coding of Finite State Machines.

Advances synthesis: inference, primitives, IPs.
CMOS integrated circuits Design Metrics: voltages, noise, fan-in, fan-out, delay, power.

Power issues in FPGAs

Input/Output: standard levels, package.

Timing issues: set-up, hold, metastability, skew, jitter, clock distribution.
Sequential design Synchronizers: asynchronous inputs, PLLs, DLLs

Clocking resources in FPGAs.

Sequential Design methods: Moore and Mealy Finite State Machines.
Semiconductor memories Architecture of semiconductor memories: RAM, CAM, ROM, EEPROM, FLASH.

Memory Interfacing: RAM, DRAM, EEPROM, FLASH interfacing.

Memory in FPGAs: distributed, blocks, external memory, memory IPs.
Arithmetic in FPGAs Numeric representations. Overflow. Techniques to mitigate overflow. Precision vs. hardware cost. Arithmetic operations. Low cost hardware implementations.

Design arithmetic considerations for HDL coding.
Frequency synthesis for communication applications Frequency synthesis using numerically controlled oscillators (NCOs). NCO architecture. Design parameters. Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) characterization. Design techniques.

NCO implementation using FPGAs.
Retiming and pipeline techniques Signal flow graphs (SFGs). Analysis of the critical path of digital systems. Analysis of the input to output latency. Retiming techniques to reduce propagation delay in digital systems: pipelining and time scaling.

Applying retiming techniques to the design of digital filters. Hardware cost.

Applying the concepts to the implementation of digital filters using FPGAs.
Series vs. parallel implementation issues Design techniques: fully serial, fully parallel, serial-parallel. Hardware cost and timing issues.

Applying the concepts to the implementation of digital filters using FPGAs.
Hardware-in-the-loop Description, simulation and test of FPGAs based circuits.

Applying the concepts to the design of data acquisition and signal processing circuits.

Using tools for hardware-in-the-loop.
Laboratory Practices Advanced tools for the design and test of complex digital circuits.

Design and implementation of ADC/DAC interfaces, sensor interfaces, digital signal processing modules, communications blocks and memory interfaces.
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