Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
  Analog Electronic Circuits Design
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Project based learning The student have to perform a theoretical practical project. In order to assess the project, the lecturer will consider the developed work, the obtained results, their classroom presentation and analysis, and the quality of the final written report if required. The final mark of tutored project (TPM), will be assessed in a 10 points scale. For the evaluation of the project, the lecturer will assess the group work, if this is done in a group (the same mark for each member), the individual student work and the individual oral presentation, if this were to take place. In these practices, the skills A4, A5, B4, B8, C12 and C14 will be assessed. 15 A4
Laboratory practical The lecturers will check the compliance level of the objectives related to the laboratory skills. Final mark of laboratory, FLM, will be assessed in a 10 points scale. For the evaluation of the laboratory sessions, the lecturer will assess the group work (the same mark for each member), the individual preliminary tasks and the answers to personalised questions for each session. In these practices, the skills A4, A5, B4, B8, C12 and C14 will be assessed. 25 A4
Objective questions exam The lecturers will check the compliance level of the objectives related to the theoretical skills. Marks for each objective test (OT) will be assessed in a 10 points scale. In this exam, the skills A4, A5, B4, B8, C12 and C14 will be assessed. 30 A4
Objective questions exam The lecturers will check the compliance level of the objectives related to the theoretical skills. Marks for each objective test (OT) will be assessed in a 10 points scale. In this exam, the skills A4, A5, B4, B8, C12 and C14 will be assessed. 30 A4
Other comments on the Evaluation

1. Continuous assessment

According to the guidelines of the degree and the agreements of the
academic commission, a continuous assessment learning system will be

Students who have taken 1 objective testing (theoretical test) or 1 laboratory session or 1 session of C hours after a month has elapsed since the beginning of classes, they will be assessed by continuous assessment.

The subject is divided into the following parts: objective tests (60 %) and practical tests (40%). The marks are valid only for the current academic year. The final grade for the students which have selected this option, may not be "no standing".

The schedule of the different assessment tests will be available at the beginning of each academic semester.

1.a Objective tests (multiple choice questions or short-answer questions)

Two partial testings (OT: objective tests) will be scheduled throughout the academic semester.

Each objective test will be comprised multiple choice questions and/or short-answer questions and/or problem-solving exercises. Marks for each objective test (OT) will be assessed in a 10 points scale. The student who miss a test will be assessed with a mark of 0 for that test. The minimum mark required to pass the theoretical part is of 5 for each objective test (OT1 >= 5 and OT2 >= 5).

If OT1 >= 5 and OT2 >= 5 the the final mark of objective tests (OTM), will be the arithmetic mean of the two tests:

OTM = (OT1 + OT2)/2

otherwise, the final mark of this part will be:

OTM = 5 -Sum(Ai)/2 where Ai = max( {0; 5-OTi} ) for i = 1, 2.

1.b Practical tests

1.b.1 Laboratory

Five laboratory sessions are scheduled. Each session lasts approximately 120 minutes and the students will work in pairs.This part also will be assessed by continuous assessment.

The lecturers will assess the individual student work. They will consider the individual work carried out before the laboratory session to prepare the proposed tasks, the participation, as well as the student work in the session. Marks for each laboratory session (LSM) will be assessed in a 10 points scale. A mark of 0 will be obtained for missing sessions. The final mark of laboratory (FLM) is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the individual laboratory session marks.

The minimum mark required to pass this part is of 5 (FLM >= 5). Furthermore, the student alone may miss 1 session (where LSM = 0); otherwise FLM = 0.

1.b.2 Tutored project

In the first session of C hours, lecturers will present the objectives and the schedule of the project. They also assign a specific project to each group. The lecturers will monitor the work in the following sessions of C hours.

In order to assess the project, the lecturer will consider the developed work, the quality of the obtained results, their classroom presentation and analysis, and the quality of the final written report if required. The final mark of this part, tutored project mark (TPM), will be assessed in a 10 points scale.

The minimum mark required to pass this part is of 5 (TPM>=5). Furthermore, the student alone may miss 1 session; otherwise TPM = 0.

1.c Final mark of the subject

The weighted points from all assessed parts are added together to calculate the final mark (FM). The following weightings will be applied: 60% objective tests (OTM) and 40% practical tests (25% laboratory (FLM) and 15% tutored project (TPM). In order to pass the subject, students will be required to pass the three parts:

  • objective tests: OT1>=5 and OT2>=5.
  • laboratory: FLM>=5.
  • tutored project: TPM>=5.

In this case, the final mark will be the weighted average of the marks obtained by the student in the different parts:

FM = 0.60·OTM + 0.25·FLM + 0.15·TPM

However, when the students do not pass all parts, the final mark will be calculated using the following expression:

FM = min( { 4.9; (0.60·AM + 0.25·BM + 0.15·CM) } ), where:

AM = 5 -Sum(Ai)/2 where Ai = max( {0; 5-OTi} ) for i = 1, 2.

BM = min( {5; FLM} )

CM = min( {5; TPM} )

A final mark higher than five points (FM >= 5) should be achieved in order to pass the subject.

2. Global assessment

The students who prefer a different educational policy can attend an exam on a scheduled date. This exam will comprise three parts (similar to the activities completed by the continuous assessment): two objective test, laboratory exam and tutored project. Dates will be specified in the academic calendar. In order to attend the laboratory exam and to assign the tutored project, the students have to contact to the lecturer according to an established procedure.

The two objective test will be comprised multiple choice questions and/or
short-answer questions and/or problem-solving exercises. Marks for each
objective test (OT1 and OT2) will be assessed in a 10 points scale.

The laboratory exam will involved a practical test.The laboratory exam will be assessed in a 10 points scale and this mark will be the final mark of laboratory (FLM).

In order to assess the tutored project, the lecturer will consider the developed work, the quality of the  the obtained results, their presentation and analysis, and the
quality of the final written report if required. This work will be assessed in a 10 points scale and this mark will be the final mark of this part (TPM).

In order to pass the subject, students will be required to pass the three parts:

  • objective tests: OT1>=5 and OT2>=5,
  • laboratory: FLM>=5.
  • tutored project: TPM>=5.

In this case, the final mark (FM) will be:

FM = 0.60·OTM + 0.25·FLM + 0.15·TPM, where:

OTM will be the arithmetic mean of the two objective tests:

OTM = (OT1 + OT2)/2

However, when the students do not pass all parts, the final mark will be calculated using the following expression:

FM = min( { 4.9; (0.60·AM + 0.25·BM + 0.15·CM) } ), where:

AM = 5 -Sum(Ai)/2 where Ai = max( {0; 5-OTi} ) for i = 1, 2.

BM = min( {5; FLM} )

CM = min( {5; TPM} )

A final mark higher than five points (FM >= 5) should be achieved in order to pass the subject.

3. Extraordinary exam and end-of-program exam

The evaluation policy in this call will follow the scheme described in the previous sections. Dates will be specified in the academic calendar. The lecturer will assign the tutored work and the project to the student. The student has to contact to the lecturer according to an established procedure. The procedure will be published in advance.

In the extraordinary exam, the marks of the parts to which the student does not appear will be those obtained in the
ordinary opportunity (continuous or global assessment) of the current academic year. Moreover, students cannot take an exam, develop a project or a tutored work task if they have got a pass previously in the ordinary opportunity.

The final mark will be the weighted average of the marks obtained by the student as it has described in section 2.

4. About ethical behaviour of students

Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.

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