Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Integrated systems design
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Presentation Once their project is implemented, the students will perform a public presentation of its design, development and results. Each member of the group must present the tasks that he or she completed, and provide satisfactory answers to the questions made by the professors. 5 B4
Laboratory practical The students will deliver the five practices and complete individual questionnaires where they show the correct completion and understanding of the practices. It is necessary to pass the practicals as a whole in order to pass the subject. 10 B3
Seminars A continuous tracking of the design and evolution of the implementation will be held during the realization of the project. Each student must collect and show evidences of her/his individual work. Periodically, the students will present the state and results of their projects, as well as the scheduled tasks. If these results are not satisfactory, a penalization of the 20% of the grade could be applied. 5 B4
Project based learning The students will be divided in groups for accomplishing the design, implementation and proof of an embedded system. The result will be evaluated after the his delivery, assessing aspects such as correction, quality, performance and functionalities. In addition, during the implementation of the project, the design and the evolution of the development will be evaluated. If the intermediate results are not satisfactory, a penalization of the 20% of the grade could be applied. The evaluation will be by group and by person: each one of the members of a team must document his/her tasks and answer the questions related to them. 40 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving Students will be evaluated to asses what they have learned in master sessions. 40 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

In order to pass the course it is necessary to complete the different parts of the subject (master sessions, practices in labs, and projects). The final grade will be the weighted geometric mean of the grades of the different parts (i.e. it is not possible to pass the subject with a zero in one part). If "x" is the grade obtained for the master sessions, "y" for the practices in labs, and "z" for the project (project, seminars and presentation), the final grade will be:

grade = x^0.4*y^0.1*z^0.5

During the first month, students must provide a written declaration to opt for global assessment. In other case, it will be considered that they opt for continuous assessment. Students who select continuous assessment and submit the first task or questionnaire may not be listed as "Absent".

Students who opt for the global assessment procedure must pass the short answer test (40%), submit a project (50%) and submit the laboratory practises (10%). These parts will be evaluated as indicated in the tests' description section. The final grade will be the weighted geometric mean of the grades of the different parts. Besides, they must submit an additional dossier with detailed information about the events and issues that arose during the execution of the different tasks, and especially the project. In addition, during the first month of the course, professors will notify students who opted for final assessment if they have to do the tutored work individually.

Students who opt for continuous assessment must submit each laboratory report before the deadlines that will be notified at the beginning of the course.

Although the project will be developed in groups, the ongoing activities of each student in a group will be monitored individually. In case a student's performance is below his or her group mates, he or she could be expelled from the group or graded on an individual basis.

Intermediate milestones may be required for the project. Those intermediate milestones will be notified at the beginning of the course.

Extraordinary opportunity to pass the course

The extraordinary exam will only be held by students who did not pass the ordinary exams (end of semester).

In order to pass the course, it is necessary to complete the different parts of the subject: pass the short answer test (40%), submit a project (50%) and submit the laboratory practises (10%). These parts will be evaluated as indicated in the tests description section. The final grade will be the weighted geometric mean of the grades of the different parts. Besides, it will be necessary to submit an additional dossier with detailed information about the events and issues that arose during the execution of the different tasks, and especially the project.

Students that have opted by the continuous assessment procedure, can decide to maintain the grades of the parts they have already passed in the first opportunity or discard them.

"End of career" opportunity to pass the course

In order to pass the course, it is necessary to complete the different parts of the subject: pass the short answer test (40%), submit a project (50%) and submit the laboratory practises (10%). These parts will be evaluated as indicated in the tests description section. The final grade will be the weighted geometric mean of the grades of the different parts. Besides, it will be necessary to submit an additional dossier with detailed information about the events and issues that arose during the execution of the different tasks, and especially the project.

Other comments

The grades obtained are only valid for the current academic year.

Although the tutored work will be completed (if possible) in groups, each student should keep a record of his or her activities. In the case in which the performance of a member of the group wouldn't be adequate compared with the performance of his or her teammates, he or she could be excluded from the group and/or qualified individually.

The use of any material during the tests will have to be explicitly authorized.

The assessment will be performed in any of the official languages in Galicia. If a student wishes to be tested in English, it must give written notice to teachers with 15 days in advance.

In case of detection of plagiarism or unethical behavior in any of the tasks/tests done, the final grade will be "failed (0)" and the professors will communicate the incident to the academic authorities to take the appropriate measures.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000