Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Room Acoustics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Mentored work Tutored practical project, with the delivery of a final report.
The learning aims containing the develompent of the ability to develop projects are assesed through this practical tutored works. Each student will give a final presentation on its contribution to the group.
35 C36
Practices through ICT Practical tasks, solved in a computer lab with specific acoustic software.
15 B2
Problem and/or exercise solving Written examination, solving calculation problems.
Evaluation of the learning aims, mainly in those aspects related to "know how to carry calculations out" in the field of room acoustics.
To be done at the end of the semester in the dates agreed and published by the Degree Academic Comitee (Comisión Académica de Grado-CAG).
25 B5
Problem and/or exercise solving Short answers related to the theoretical content of the subject. Evaluation of the knowledge of regulations in the matter of room acoustics. To be done at the mid of the semester in the dates agreed and published by the Degree Academic Comitee (Comisión Académica de Grado-CAG).
25 B2
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the guidelines of the degree, two systems of evaluation are offered: continuous assessment (recommended) and a final examination. Evaluation with only a final examination will be only allowed in situations in which it is imposible to follow the system recommended.


The continuous assessment will be based in the evaluation of practical task, projects and two tests. By default it's assumed all students follow the continuous assessment process unless a written notice of resignation is presented after the first month.  The final degree will be obtained by a weighted average of the grades obteined in the methodologies/tests described.

Some considerations on the continous  assessment process:
  • Tutored works are developed in groups.  The final grade will be weighted
    taking into account the results of a cross assesment survey and the individual final presentation of each student's  contribution to the work. To
    consider as "satisfactory" the contribution of each student to the group
    a minimum grade of 2 over 5 points is stablished. 
    • During the presentation of the work the competences related to analysis, synthesis, mastering of the specific vocabulary of the specialty and his/her presentation and oral exchange skills will be evaluated. 25% of the final grade will be assigned on the basis of the individual presentation of each student.
  • The studenst have to show good skills in all the learning outcomes,
    therefore, four points over a ten points scale must be obtained in all
    the learning outcomes evaluated during the continuous evaluation
  • The final grade will be obtained through a weighted average,  with the weights included in the qualification column of the methodologies/tests section, once the minimum grade is obtained in each activity.  
  • In case the final overage is greater than 5 over 10 points, but any of the requirements are not met, the final grade will be 4.9-FAILED. 

Final examination:  The final examination, ( both, ordinary and extraordinary exams) will include two parts: 

  • A written examination covering a short anwer tests and a troubleshouting part.
  • Practical activities: practical questions and delivering the reports of a practical work the teacher may ask.
  • The final examination will be develpoped on the official dates published by the accademic staff.
Those students who have passed the subject following the continuous assessment proccess, will have the chance to attend the final examination in order to get a higher grade (either in the written part or the practical activities or both).
Those students who did not succeed in some of the parts of the evaluation proccess, will have the chance to do only the part of the final examination required to fullfill the requirement.
If the subject is passed in first chance, there is no chance to attend the second opportunity to improve the final grade.

The subject is assessed in a 0 to 10 points scale and it is considered "passed" if the final grade obtained is equal or greater than 5.


If a student does not sign the agreement to follow the continous assesment proccess, he/she will be evaluated through the final examination, with the same structure as commented before. The student have to show he/she has got the same skills as the students who have followed the continuous assessment proccess. The final grade will be obtained by averaging the grades of each part (written examination+ practical questions and reports) provided at least  of 4 over 10 points have been obtained en each part. The final grade should be greater than 5 over 10 points.


The same criteria as the established in case of non continuous assessment will be followed for the extraordinary call.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000