Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Wireless Systems and Networks
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Adequate knowledge of the theoretical materials of the lecture will be assessed by means of short response questions during an Intermediate Test and at the Final Exam. Each of these tests has a weight of 1/2. Continued class attendance will be evaluated. 20 C21
Report of practices, practicum and external practices For each lab assignment, the students individually, will present a written report. The evaluation will be carried out by means of (1) reports, (2) an specific mid-term test and (a) at the final exam. The weights of these 3 parts will be 1/3. Continued class attendance will be evaluated.
30 C21
Problem and/or exercise solving In a mid-term test and at the final exam, there will be a part containing various short numerical problems. Each of these 2 tests will weight 1/2. Continued class attendance will be evaluated. 30 B2
Essay The evaluation of supervised group work (C classes) will be carried out through (1) a report, (2) a specific min-term test and (3) a specific test at the Final Exam. Each of these two evaluation mechanisms has a weight of 1/2. That is 1/2 for the reports and 1/4 for the specific mid term test and 1/4 for the final exam test. Continued class attendance will be evaluated. 20 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation
English Friendly subject: International students may request from the
teachers: a) materials and bibliographic references in English, b) tutoring sessions in
English, c) exams and assessments in English.

If possible all skills pertaining to this subject will be evaluated in all the various tests and exercises proposed: short answer tests, lab reports, problem solving and projects


For the Ordinary Opportunity, the Continuous Assessment option will be carried out according to the Table above. Note that should one chose Continuous Evaluation, it will be compulsory to carry out all the Lab Work proposed (Groups B) and the Supervised Projects (Groups C). A mid-term exam will be taken consisting of 4 Intermediate Tests: Short Questions, Problems, Groups B and Groups C. The overall value of this exam will be 40% of the overall mark. For the Final Exam the same 4-test structure will be followed. Again, the overall weight of this exam will be 40% of the overall mark. Further, the overall mark will be complemented with the assessment of the Lab Work and Supervised Project Reports, both with a weight of 10%. 

Those who chose Global Evaluation will be assessed through a Final Exam with a weight of 100% of the overall mark with 4 different parts similar in structure to the Intermediate Test and Final Test for the Continuous Evaluation case. For this option, it is not compulsory to carry out the Lab Work and Supervised Projects. 

The schedule of the midterm/intermediate exams will be approved in the Comisión
Académica de Grado (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of each academic

The marks achieved for the Lab Work and Supervised Project Reports are only valid during the current academic year. 

Should the student chose the Global Evaluation option, this will be reported to the professor, otherwise it will be assumed by default that the student has opted for the Continuous Evaluation option. The student going for this Conunyuous Evaluation option must carry out all Lab Work and Supervised Project tasks proposed. Change to Global Evaluation can b chosen at any time during the semester. This should be duly notified to the professor.  


Extraordinary Exam will involve a Final exam for all option: Continuous and Global Evaluation, as well as for End-of-Term. In the case of Continuous Evaluation, the marks for the Lab Work and Supervised Project Reports will be added to the overall mark. 


Should a case of plagiarism be detected in any of the various activities and tests , the final mark will be FAILED (0) and the school direction team will be advised on the fact.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000