Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Mathematics: Probability and Statistics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving Students must solve a problem individually
20 B3
Objective questions exam Students must answer a multiple choice test individually
25 B3
Essay questions exam Individual final exam
40 B3
Essay Individual submission of a problem solved independently 15 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the guidelines of the degree, two assessment systems will be offered to the students: Continuous assessment or Global assessment.

Each student can decide himself to follow or not Continuous assessment. It is assumed that a student follows this assessment system if he sits task 2 (around the seventh week of the term) or any later task. Sitting Task 1 (both, part 1 and part 2) does not bind the student to Continuous assessment. Even so, on the day of the final exam, the student will be able to choose Global assessment.

Students who choose Continuous assessment:

Several midterm tasks are assessed with a grade between 0 and 10. In this assessment method, the final grade will be calculated as a weighted average, with the weights specified below, of the grades of the different midterm tasks and the final exam. The schedule of the midterm tasks will be approved in the Comisión Académica de Grado (CAG) and it will be available at the beginning of each academic semester.

A brief description of the tasks and their weight in the final grade is listed below:

  • Task 1: Weight 20%. Two parts, both with the same weight:
    • Part 1: Individual resolution of a problem
    • Part 2: Correction of a solution of the same problem solved by someone else
  • Task 2: Individual resolution of a multiple choice test. Weight 25%
  • Task 3: Submission of a problem solved individually. Once the problem has been assigned, the deadline for submission is 48 hours later. Weight 15%
  • Last Task: Final exam. A reduced version of the exam to be carried out by the students who choose Global assessment. Weight 40%

Before the completion or delivery of each task, the date and procedure for its review will be indicated. Students will have the option to know the grade of each task and review its correction within a reasonable period of time (around one week).

These tasks are not recoverable, that is, if a student cannot sit them, teachers will not be committed to repeat them, unless in the case of documented justified reasons.

The obtained grades will be valid only for the current academic course.

If a student is binded to Continuous assessment and does not pass the course he/she will receive a grade of fail, regardless of he/she sits the final exam or not.

Students who choose Global assessment or End-of-program exam:

In these cases students will just carry out a single final exam. This exam will be graded between 0 and 10, and this value will be the final grade of the student.

Extraordinary exam:

The extraordinary exam is only available for students who have not passed the subject previously and they have to choose between Continuous and Global assessment, regardless of the system they chose at the Ordinary exam. The choice has to be made when handing in the exam to the teacher. On the other hand, grades will be obtained using the corresponding assessment system as it has been described above.

The subject is considered passed if the final grade obtained is greater than or equal to 5.

Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.

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