Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Basics of bioengineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Mentored work Composition, in small groups, of a monographic document related to one of the electromedical systems in bioengineering (nuclear medicine, ultrasounds, magnetic resonance, biotelemetry, telemedicine). 20 B9
Presentation Exhibition by the students of the tutored work, and discussion of the findings with the professor and other students. 10 B9
Problem solving Short questions on the problems solved in the practices in relation to the contents of the master sessions. 40 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving The final exam will consist on small questions and problems in relation to the master sessions, laboratory practices, and presentation of the tutored works. 30 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the own guidelines of the degree, two systems of assessment will be offered to the students registered in this course: continuous assessment and global assessment.

All the students that wish to renounce to the continuous assessment (election by default),  will have to communicate it to the professor during the first month after the beginning of classes.

The continuous assessment 

be based on the grades obtained in the tutored works and their exposition, as
well as in up to three intermediate tests. The tutored work will be evaluated in
terms of composition, accuracy and style and the grade will be the same for all
members of the group. Individualized evaluation will be based on the exposition
of the work (timing, clarity, accuracy) and the answers to specific questions
by the professor and other students. The grades obtained throughout the continuous evaluation will only be valid for the
current academic year. The tests of the continuous assessment are not recoverable, that is to say, if somebody cannot make them the professors are not obligated to repeat them. For a student under continuous assessment his/her final grade cannot be "not presented".

The students that do not opt by the
continuous assessment will have to make a final examination, with theory
and problems on all the contents of the course. This exam will be graded
between 0 and 10, and this will be the final grade obtained.

The extraordinary exam, as well as the end-of-program exam, will have a similar structure to the final examination of those
students who do not choose the continuous assessment.

All tests will be performed in English.

Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000