Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Sound Processing
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Mentored work The assessment of teamwork will be carried out by collecting evidence throughout its execution, both at the group and individual levels. It will involve the delivery of a final report with the results and a presentation and/or test of knowledge regarding the work performed. The assessment will take into account the work carried out and the understanding of concepts at both the group and individual levels.

The final report will be delivered around week 13 of the course term. The exact date will be communicated at the beginning of the term.

The section "Other comments on the evaluation" provides more details about the mentored work and its influence (TG grade) on the final grade F.
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Problem and/or exercise solving There will be three midterm tests during the course term: two related to the contents of the mentored work and one to the contents taught in the lectures and practicals.

The section "Other comments on the evaluation" provides more details about these midterm tests and their impact on the final grade.
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Problem and/or exercise solving Final exam with questions of any kind, covering the contents taught in the course.

The section "Other comments on the evaluation" provides more details about the final exam and its impact on the final grade.
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Other comments on the Evaluation

The calculation of the final mark (F) for continuous assessment (C.A.) is based on the marks obtained jointly by the group in the mentored work (TG), in two midterm tests related to the tasks of the mentored work (T1 and T2), in a midterm test related to contents of the first parts of the course (P1) and the final exam (EX). All marks are given on a scale of 0 to 10. The three midterm tests will be taken individually.

The mark of the mentored work (TR) is calculated as

TR= min(10, 0.7*TG*W+ 0.3*(T1+T2)/2)

where W is a weighting factor, usually of value 1, which is explained below.

A fully individual mark (NI) is calculated as

NI= max(EX, 0.8*EX+0.2*P1)

and the final mark as

F=0.5*TR+0.5*NI   if TR>=4 and NI>=4

F=min(4, 0.5*TR+0.5*NI ) if TR < 4 or NI < 4

In order to pass, a grade of F>=5 is required. According to the previous expression, in case the grades TR or NI do not reach four points, the maximum final grade will be F=4.

The TG grade will be determined based on the evaluation of submitted tasks and a final presentation conducted by the entire group to their instructor in the last C group meeting, with questions to its different members. 

The TG mark will be weighted by the factor W according to the results of the cross-evaluations and the instructor's opinion about the student's personal contribution to the group work. Normally the weighting factor will be 1, although factors less than 1 will be applied to students that hinder the normal progress of the group or show poor participation or understanding in the tasks of the mentored work. Likewise, the instructor might reward those students who stand out significantly for their contribution to the teamwork with a weighting factor of up to 1.2, especially in case of unexpected difficulties.

Failure to attend the final presentation, unless justified, will result in W=0. In the case of a justified absence, the student must promptly contact his/her instructor to schedule an interview and demonstrate his/her understanding of the group's work.

The final exam will contain a set of questions related to the mentored work tasks for students who have chosen global assessment. The grade obtained in this set of questions will be considered as TR. The grade corresponding to the remaining questions of the exam will be considered as NI. From TR and NI, the final mark F will be calculated according to the expressions described above for C.A.

Students attending the second-call exam, with independence of the assesment track followed, will be able to choose, before starting the exam, to maintain the grade obtained either in TR or NI in the first call if equal or higher than 4. In that case, they will only answer the group of questions corresponding to the part whose score they do not wish to keep. However, students should be aware of the influence of this decision on their final grade.

The end-of-program call will consist of a final exam with a single set of questions (without differentiated groups) related to any content of the course. In this case the final grade F will be directly the grade of the exam.

To ensure that students do not disadvantage their potential teammates, they will be given a period to decide whether or not to follow the C.A. track. This decision must be made within one month from the beginning of the course term. Opting for the C.A. track means that the student will be graded in the first call. 

In exceptional cases, such as long-term justified reasons that unable to follow the C.A. procedure or to take essential assessment tests within the foreseen period, the instructor will decide whether or not it is appropriate to allow the student to change from C.A. to global assessment or to consider him/her 'no show'.

The different evaluation tests are not recoverable in case a student does not show up when they take place, with the exception of non-attendance due to any of the justified reasons listed in the University regulations.

Attendance to group C meetings, corresponding to the mentored group work, is mandatory in case of following the C.A. track.

Plagiarism is regarded as serious misconduct. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any test or work, according to the circumstances, the final grade of the course might be FAIL (0) and the corresponding academic authorities informed about the fact in order to take further measures.

The solution to any possible inconsistency, discrepancy or difference of interpretation that may arise from this guide, as well as any error or any other not considered case, will be discussed between the instructor and the concerned students and, in case of no agreement, the matter will be referred to the competent higher bodies.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000