Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Radio Frequency Circuits
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Practices through ICT Assistance to practical sessions in computer classroom, justified by the report of each practice 4.8 B4
Laboratory practical Active assistance to practical sessions of laboratory, justified by the report of each practice 10 B4
Problem and/or exercise solving Examination written of evaluation, with questions and problems referents to the contents of the sessions *magistrales 1 30 B4
Problem and/or exercise solving Examination written of evaluation, with questions and problems referents to the contents of the sessions *magistrales 2 30 B4
Problem and/or exercise solving Examination written on the practical sessions in the computer classroom 25.2 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the specific guidelines of the qualification, two assessment systems will be offered to those studying this subject: Continuous assessment, which is the recommended method and around which teaching activities are organized, and a Global assessment option, that is recommended only in those situations where it is impossible to follow the suggested system.

Types and rating of sections: 
* Master sessions. Individual rating (Weight: 60%)
* Practices in computer science classes. Individual rating (weight: 30%)
* Laboratory practices. Individual rating (weight: 10%)

A person is considered to be following the continuous assessment procedure when he or she submits to a punctuable test or continuous assessment examination.
If the continuous assessment is chosen, the final rating may not be not present.

The ongoing assessment consists of the tests described below in this guide.
* Examinations on the content of master sessions.
* Practices in computer science classes. Their assessment is based on active assistance justified by the report of each practice and a final examination.
* Lab practices. Their assessment is based on active assistance justified by the report of each practice.

In order to ensure that all competences in the subject matter are acquired, approval will require the following two conditions to be met together:
1) Get a score equal to or greater than a 4 (on a scale of 0 to 10), in each type of activity.
2) Obtain an overall score, calculated as the sum of the activities scores weighted by the corresponding weight, equal to or greater than 5 (on a scale of 0 to 10)
If only condition 2) and not condition 1) is met, the overall score for the subject will be 4.9.

Continuous assessment practices and examinations are not recoverable.
The continuous assessment reviews have no impact beyond the continuous assessment procedure.
A person who has not completed at least 50% of the practices may not take the continuous assessment procedure.

Those who do not opt for continuous assessment will be assessed through a single final examination on the official date assigned by the Centre, at which the content of all activities will be assessed, in such a way that it is demonstrated that they have acquired the same competences as those who opted for the continuous assessment.
In order to ensure that all competences in the subject matter are acquired, approval will require the following two conditions to be met together:
1) Get a score equal to or greater than a 4 (on a scale of 0 to 10), in each of the different sections in which the examination is divided. These sections correspond to the types of activity described above.
2) Obtain a overall score in the examination equal to or greater than a 5 (on a scale of 0 to 10).

The person who has been assessed by Continuous Assessment can choose between two options on the same day of the examination:
* Maintain the qualification corresponding to their attendance to the practices and take all the Continuous Assessment exams on the official date assigned by the Centre.
* Be assessed with a single final examination at the official day assigned to the Centre, as stipulated for the comprehensive assessment system

The person who has NOT been assessed by Continuous Assessment will be assessed with a single final examination on the official date assigned by the Centre, as stipulated for the global assessment system.

In the end-of-career call, the student will be assessed with a single final examination on the official date assigned by the Centre, as stipulated for the Global Assessment System.

In case of detection of plagiarism in any of the tests or works, the final rating will be FAIL (0) and the fact will be communicated to the management of the Centre for the appropriate purposes.

The international students will be able to request to the professor material and bibliographic references for the follow-up of the subject, attend the tutorials, proofs and evaluations in English.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000