Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Internet Services
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Self-assessment They will do two test of self-evaluation along the subject on the theoretical concepts that the students have learnt up to such point.
0 B3
Essay questions exam There will be a theoretical exam in the half of the course about the contents seen so far. It will be composed of short questions, selection of multiple option, and/or questions of development where the student will describe one or several concepts, relating them between yes, and illustrating them with examples. 25 B3
Essay questions exam There will be a theoretical exam at the end of the course about the contents of the second part. It will be composed of short questions, selection of multiple option, and/or of questions of development where the student will describe one or several concepts, relating them between yes, and illustrating them with examples. 25 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving The code of the practices will be evaluated by the teachers to check that it works according to the requirements and specifications.
In addition, the student must pass a practical test (related to the proposed practices) to verify that he adequately masters his code.
25 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving The code of the practices will be evaluated by the teachers to check that it works according to the requirements and specifications.
In addition, the student must pass a practical test (related to the proposed practices) to verify that he adequately masters his code.
25 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

The subject consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. Each of them will be valued with 5 points, having to get at least 2.5 in each part to pass the subject.

Following the guidelines of the degree, students who take this subject will be offered two evaluation systems: continuous evaluation (CE) and global evaluation (GE).


- The student body follows the EC by default, but may renounce it at any time.

- The theoretical part is graded with 5 points and consists of two exams (E1 and E2), the first will be held during the semester and the second during the official exam period (2.5 points each).

A minimum of 1 point will be required in each of the two theory exams to average with the other in order to pass the theoretical part. In addition, the result of said average must reach 2.5 points.

Additionally, students who follow the CE may receive up to 1 extra point based on activities carried out in class and/or on the MOOVI platform (only in first opportunity of CE). If theoretical exams are passed (over 2,5 points) the extra grade will be fully added. If more than 2 points are obtained in the exams, half of such grade will be added. Below 2 points the extra grade will be discarded. Finally, the grade for the theory part will be adjusted to 5 if the result is higher.

- The practical part is graded with 5 points and consists of several practices and a practical exam.

- Practice 1 is worth 0.5 points, it can be delivered at any time throughout the month of October. The students must correct the errors found, at which time they will obtain the indicated grade.

- Practice 2 will be worth 2 points and can be delivered up to a few days before the practical exam (the exact date will be notified at the time). After the delivery, the students must correct the errors identified by the teachers until the practice works correctly, having until the deadline mentioned above. Once the approval of the teachers has been obtained, the students will obtain the indicated mark.

The correction of the errors found by the teachers in practices 1 and 2, depending on their number and importance, may give rise to a penalty in the final grade for the subject.

- The rest of the practices (whose number will be established at the beginning of the course) will be worth 2.5 points and can be delivered from the time the approval of the teachers is obtained for practice 2, and until the end of the classes, or a later date indicated in his moment. These practices will be evaluated as they are delivered, without the possibility of correcting the errors observed.

- Practical test: On the day of the exam, a practical test will be carried out to verify that the students have adequate command of the delivered code. 


Students who have opted for GE must take a final exam out of 5 points and hand in practices 1 and 2 before finishing classes (with possible modifications specified at the time). The students must correct the errors identified by the teachers until they obtain their approval (with the penalty described above depending on their importance). Then you can deliver the rest of the practices, always before finishing classes. In addition, you must also take the practical test.

Passing the subject: Both in the case of EC and EG, to pass the subject, students must obtain at least 2.5 points in each part (theory and practice). In the case of not exceeding the minimum grade in any of the parts, the score obtained by adding both parts will be adjusted to 4.9 points in the case of exceeding said value.

Extraordinary opportunity:

The students must take the same theoretical exam described in the case of the EG, hand in the practices that are specified (published during the month of March), and take the practical test already described.

In the case of suspending only one of the parts, the students will only have to do the other part in the extraordinary opportunity if some conditions are fulfilled:

- The practical grade (passed) will be kept if the theoretical grade (failed) was above 1,5 over 5.

- The theoretical grade will be kept if practices were presented and passed (only practical exam has been failed).

End of career announcement:

It will have the same characteristics as the extraordinary opportunity. The practices may undergo modifications or incorporate additional functionalities that will be communicated in the month of July.

In principle, none of the marks obtained in both parts in the ordinary or extraordinary opportunities are kept for this call. Once the practices of this call have been published, the teaching staff of the following year will decide and inform opportunely about whether or not to keep the grades obtained in the previous calls.

In case of detection of plagiarism in any of the tests, the final grade will be FAIL (0) and the fact will be communicated to the Center's management so that it can take the appropriate effects.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000