Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Fundamentals of Sound and Image
   Sources of information
Basic Bibliography Finn Jacobsen et al., FUNDAMENTALS OF ACOUSTICS AND NOISE CONTROL, Technical University of Denmark, 2001
Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins, Digital image processing using MATLAB, Gatesmark Publishing, 2009
Günther Wyszecki, W.S. Stiles, Color science: concepts and methods, quantitative data, and formulae, John Wiley & Sons,
Complementary Bibliography Lawrence Kinsler, Austin Frey, Alán Coppens, James Sanders, FUNDAMENTALS OF ACOUSTICS, John Wiley &, 1999
Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky with S. Hamid Nawab, Signals and systems, Prentice-Hall, 1997
Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer., Discrete-time signal processing, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010
Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Digital image processing, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2018
R.J. Clarke, Digital compression of still images and video, Academic Press, 1995

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