Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Data Communication
Topic Sub-topic
Unit 1. Fundamentals of discrete Information Theory 1.1. A basic model of data communication systems
1.1.1. Discrete sources: discrete memoryless sources
1.1.2. Discrete channels: discrete memoryless channels
1.1.3. Source coding and channel coding

1.2. Information measures
1.2.1. Entropy. Joint entropy
1.2.2. Conditional entropy
1.2.3. Mutual information

1.3. Shannon's source coding theorem
1.3.1. Uniquely decodable codes: instantaneous codes
1.3.2. Kraft's theorem. McMillan's theorem
1.3.3. Optimal codes. Code redundancy
1.3.4. Shannon's source coding theorem
1.3.5. Compact codes. Huffman's algorithm

1.4. Shannon's noisy channels coding theorem
1.4.1. Channel capacity
1.4.2. Symmetric channels
1.4.3. Shannon's noisy channels coding theorem
Unit 2. Data transmission error control 2.1. Linear codes
2.1.1. Definition and matrix description
2.1.2. Syndrome decoding
2.1.3. Error detection and correction properties
2.1.4. Hamming codes
2.1.5. Cyclic codes

2.2. ARQ protocols
2.2.1. Stop and wait
2.2.2. Go-back n
2.2.3. Selective repeat
Unit 3. Multiple access channels and local area networks 3.1. Multiple access channels
3.1.1. The multiple access channel: definition and types
3.1.2. MAC protocols: Aloha, CSMA and variants
3.1.3. Performance of MAC protocols

3.2. Local area networks
3.2.1. Wi-Fi networks
3.2.2. Ethernet networks
3.2.3. Switching ethernet
3.2.4. Virtual local networks
Practical sessions (B) Sessions to solve problems related to the content of the course.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000