Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Máster Universitario en Fabricación Aditiva
  Applications in Biomedical Engineering
   Personalized assistance
Methodologies Description
Lecturing The teacher will guide and resolve any doubts that the student may have in relation to the topics explained in the theory classes. This attention will take place in the classroom itself, spontaneously and in tutorial sessions. Tutorials will be held at the request of the students, during the timetable defined by the teaching staff, and may be individual or in small groups.
Practices through ICT The teaching staff will guide students in the use of the programmes and platforms, clarifying their doubts and guiding them to achieve the best understanding of the concepts and the acquisition of the necessary skills. This attention will be given spontaneously during the practical sessions and also in personalised tutoring sessions. These will take place during the timetable defined by the teaching staff.
Laboratory practical The laboratory teachers will guide the students in the development of the practical classes, clarifying their doubts and guiding them in order to achieve a better understanding of the concepts and the acquisition of the necessary skills in the use of the different techniques. This attention will be given spontaneously during the practical sessions and also in personalised tutoring sessions. These will take place during the timetable defined by the teaching staff.
Mentored work During the development of the project, which the students will have to carry out individually or in small groups, they will have the guidance and help of the teaching staff. This attention will be given during the execution of the tasks of the project itself, or if necessary, when required, within the timetable established by the teaching staff. However, two group tutoring sessions will be proposed, one at the beginning of the project and the other before the defence, in order to be able to modify those aspects of the structure or content that need it.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000