Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas
  Marketing Management II
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Presentation This refers to oral presentations by the the students in front of the proffessor and/or a group of students of a piece of the subject, of any class related content, or of the results of a work, exercise, project…
They can be done individualy or in group
They are mandatory and not recoverable activities and have to be done on the dates set.
20 B1
Problem solving These assesments allow to evaluate the students capability to apply the acquired theoretical and practical knowledges in a team work and/or autonomouslly, as well as the oral and written communication skills with others.
These activities have to be delivered in the established dates and sessions.
It is a mandatory and not recoverable activity.
10 B1
Project based learning The ability to apply the knowledge acquired in the theoretical-practical sessions to a global project (real or fictitious) is evaluated, as well as teamwork, presentation and content. They are mandatory and not recoverable activities and have to be done on the dates set. 20 B5
Portfolio/dossier The suitability of the delivered material is evaluated in relation to the indications of the assigned task.
Work activities and its collection during class sessions. They are mandatory and not recoverable activities and have to be done on the dates set.
10 B1
Objective questions exam Activities designed for the evaluation of acquired competences both in the theoretical and the practical clases of the subject. They can include questions with different type of answers (true/false, multiple election,...) as well as short, numerical or essay questions. Students have to either select a response/s from a limited number of possibilities, and/or to respond to the questions, essays or exercises that they are asked.
The erroneous answers penalise. The professors migth ask for a PDF with the resolutions
Partial exams can be done along the semester.
It will be considered as part of the content of the subject, and therefore, will be subject to evaluation, the theory from the text book, the exercises as well as all reading, activity, case, audiovisual material, web page, work or comment indicated or made by the professors in the classroom in boht theoretical and practical classes.
40 B13
Other comments on the Evaluation

To pass the subject two conditions are
required: (1) to obtain a minimum of 5 points in the whole of the
tests/methodologies considered to be evaluated, and (2) to obtain a minimum of 5
points in the final evaluation (marked on 10) in order to add the rest of the valuables
methodologies. The score obtained by the participation as well as the realization
and delivery of all those activities and tasks established by the
professor (cases, exercises, supposed, exhibitions, memories or any other),
will be kept in the first and second evaluation calls of the academic course
but in any case they will be saved for successive courses/years. In the final
call or the final evaluation of the grade, the exam will take 100% of the

The schedule for personal tutories with the professor will be
available on the educational platform -MooVi- of the subject, as well as the
instructions and the procedure for requesting them.

The students may choose to be evaluated
through the continuous assessment system (CA), or alternatively opt for a
Global Assessment (GA) test. Choosing GS
implies formally indicating the right to continue evaluating through the
remaining CA activities and the grade obtained up to that moment in any of the
tests/activities that have already been taken.

In case of NOT giving up the continuous
assessment, it will be considered that the student has taken the continuous assessment
when they have taken any of the tests/assessment activities of this modality.

The students who do not follow the
continuous evaluation must indicate it up to one month from the beginning of
the semester. In this case, they will be evaluated by means of a final written
(or oral, if needed) exam/evaluation scored on 10 points (100% of the grading).
In this case, the exam and evaluation activities do not have to coincide with
the ones for those students that follow the continuous evaluation. In such exam
both theoretical and practical contents will be evaluated, as well as the
students critical capability.

 The dates and times of the GA tests (first
and second chance) are those specified in the evaluation test calendar approved
by the Xunta de Facultade for the academic year. In case of conflict or
disparity between exam dates, those published on the faculty website will

 It is recommended that students take into
account Title VII (Use of illegal means), of the Regulation on Assessment,
qualification and quality of teaching and the student learning process of the
University of Vigo (


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