Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Máster Universitario en Biología Marina
  Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing
Topic Sub-topic
Basic cartography Surfaces of reference in cartography: *xeoide, *elipsoide and topographical surface *Elipsoides and *datums Systems projected Systems of coordinates: geographical coordinates and *xeocéntricas Systems of coordinates: the projection UTM, coordinates UTM *Datum vertical: nets *xeodésicas and of *Nivelación. Altitude *ortométrica and *elipsoidal *Topografía: topographical representation, geometrical distance, reduced and real. Pending, directions and *acimuts
Systems of Geographical Information Concepts of SIX: Definition. Elements of #a SIX The data in #a SIX: geographical and *alfanuméricos Structures and models of storage: models *ráster and *vectorial Analysis in #a SIX: Queries and rankings by attributes and space. Overlap of variable Results of #a SIX: Results *cartográficos and *alfanuméricos
Teledetection Introduction to the Teledetection. Types of sensors and platforms. Introduction to the processing of images.
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