Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Biología
Grado en Biología
  Biochemistry I
Topic Sub-topic
(*)Topic 1. Introduction to Biochemistry (*) Inorganic components of living organisms. Nature of molecular interactions. The role of water in biological processes: ionic product of water and the concept of pH. Ionic balance: Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, pKa concept and buffer solutions. Ionic strength concept.
(*) Topic 2: amino acids and peptides (*) Amino acids : structure and classification. the peptide bond. Natural peptides of biological interest
(*) Topic 3: Proteins (*) General concepts. Main functions of proteins. Levels of structural organization of proteins.
(*) Topic 4: Enzymes and enzymatic catalysis (*) Enzymes: concept and chemical nature. Active center concept. Nomenclature and classification of enzymes. Enzymatic catalysis: concepts and mechanisms.
(*) Topic 5: Enzymatic catalysis (*) Kinetics of enzymatic reactions. Kinetics of allosteric enzymes. Other mechanisms of modulation of enzymatic activity.
(*) Topic 6: Structure and properties of monosaccharides. (*) Monosaccharides: aldoses and ketoses. linear structure. Cyclic structure and spatial conformations. Monosaccharides of biological interest.
(*) Topic 7: Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides

(*) General characteristics, properties and structure of the main oligosaccharides, polysaccharides and heterosides.
(*) Topic 8: Simple and complex lipids, and isoprenoids. (*) General characteristics and biological importance of lipids. General ranking. Fatty acids and alcohols. simple lipids. complex lipids. Isoprenoid lipids.
(*) Topic 9: Nucleotides: structure and function (*) Purine and pyrimidine bases. Structure and function of nucleosides and nucleotides.
(*) Topic 10. Introduction to metabolism

(*) Metabolism concept. General characteristics of metabolic pathways. Anabolic, catabolic and amphibolic pathways. General aspects of metabolic regulation.
(*) Topic 11. Carbohydrate Catabolism

(*) Glycolysis: description of enzymatic reactions. Incorporation of other monosaccharides to the glycolytic pathway. Pentose phosphate pathway: general concepts and biological significance.
(*) Topic 12. Metabolic fates of pyruvate

(*) Anaerobic destination: alcoholic and lactic fermentation. Aerobic fate: formation of acetyl-CoA by oxidative decarboxylation. Study of the pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme complex.
(*) Topic 13.Cycle of tricarboxylic acids.
(*) Position of acetyl-CoA in intermediary metabolism. Overview of the cycle and sequence of reactions.
(*) Topic 14. Electronic transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
(*) Shuttle systems. Electronic transport chain: components, location and sequence of electronic transport. Oxidative phosphorylation and coupling to electron transport. ATP synthase enzyme complex.
(*) Topic 15. Gluconeogenesis.
(*) Gluconeogenesis: overview and main substrates. Description of the route. Specific reactions of gluconeogenesis.
(*) Topic 16. Glycogen metabolism

(*) Degradation of dietary glycogen. Lysosomal breakdown of glycogen. Glycogenolysis: enzymatic reactions. Glycogenogenesis: enzymatic reactions.
(*) Topic 17. Degradation of lipids and fatty acids.

(*) Digestion, absorption and transport of dietary lipids and endogenous lipids. Activation and intracellular transport of fatty acids. The beta-oxidation of saturated fatty acids with an even number of carbon atoms. Cetogenesis.
(*) Topic 18. Biosynthesis of fatty acids and lipids

(*) Biosynthesis of saturated fatty acids. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase reaction. Fatty acid synthase enzyme complex. Biosynthesis of the alcoholic components of lipids and triacylglycerols.
(*) Topic 19. Proteolysis, amino acid degradation and fate of the ammonium ion
(*) Digestion of dietary proteins. intracellular proteolysis. Overview of amino acid catabolism. Transamination and deamination. Decarboxylation reactions. Fate of the carbon skeleton of amino acids. Forms of ammonium nitrogen excretion. Urea cycle: enzymatic reactions.
(*) Topic 20. Biosynthesis of amino acids
(*) Nitrogen cycle in nature. Incorporation of the ammonium ion in amino acids: glutamate and glutamine pathways. Study of the different biosynthetic families.
(*) Topic 21. Nucleotide metabolism

(*) General aspects of the catabolism of nucleic acids and nucleotides. Degradation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. Biosynthesis of ribonucleotides and deoxynucleotides
Elaboration of a serum albumin standard line by the Lowry method.
PRACTICE 2 Determination of protein concentration in rat liver supernatant.
PRACTICE 3 Determination of beta-D-galactosidase activity in rat liver supernatant.
Calculation of the enzymatic activity ( U/min ml) taking into account the molar extinction coefficient of p-nitrophenol of the previous enzyme.
Calculation of the specific activity (U/mg protein) of the above enzyme.
PRACTICE 4 Determination of the optimal pH of beta-D-galactosidase activity.
PRACTICE 5 Effect of substrate concentration on beta-D-galactosidase activity. Calculation of kinetic parameters.
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