Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Final Year Dissertation
Topic Sub-topic
The Final Degree Project does not have its own contents. However, the details of its organization are indicated below.

The subject Final Project will be organized on the basis of three activities that the student will have to carry out appropriately:
1. Development of an original work related to one of the multiple fields of biology or its professional application.
The work will be done under the supervision of a professor (tutor) assigned to this subject.
There are different types of final degree project for which students can choose:

-Type A: offered by professors of the degree. At the beginning of the academic year students must choose a project topic among those offered. The Final Degree Project Committee will establish the norms and deadlines that will govern the awarding to the students of the topics proposed by the professors.

- Type B: proposed by students and agreed with a professor of the degree who will supervise the work.

-Type C: proposed by students to be carried out in institutions other than the UVIGO with which there is an agreement. This type of work will imply the existence of an academic tutor from the institution and a person from the external entity who will act as a co-tutor.

-Type D: subject to students with special educational needs.

-Type E: developed by students within the framework of a mobility program.

The particular characteristics of each of these types of work, as well as the rules that govern them, are included in the regulations of the Final Degree Project in Biology.

The type of project should be limited to these sections:

-Experimental work that is developed in the laboratories of the faculty of Biology or in other UVigo research centers of biological scope.

-Theoretical development (design, planning, applicability) of a project of economic, social, environmental, educational interest, etc., related to the field of biology, or biology-based technology.

-Literature review projects whose objective is a possible practical application (initial study for a project, innovative case, etc.)

-Other projects corresponding to the offer of professors that do not specifically comply with the above modalities. They must be approved by the Final Degree Project Committee.

- Work applied to biology carried out in external public and private institutions.
2. Delivery of a written report in time. It will be focus on the project carried out by the student.
The characteristics of the report and the deadlines for delivery will be established sufficiently in advance by the Final Degree Project Committee.
3. Presentation and defense of the work before an Evaluating Board that will evaluate and grade it. The rules of presentation and defense of the project will be established by the Final Degree Project Committee, in agreement with the approved rules.
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