Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Biología
Grado en Biología
  Environmental impact evaluation
Topic Sub-topic
Block A. Conceptual and practical bases professional of the Evaluation of environmental impact (EIA) 1. Conceptual and objective bases of the evaluation of environmental impact (EIA). The paper of the EIA in the management of the natural resources: environmental strategic evaluation (ESE), environmental auditing (EA). General concepts: environment, impact, evaluation. Typology of the impacts. Typology of the evaluations. (2 hours)
2. The study of environmental impact (EIS).- Objective and structure. Organisational aspects of the EIS: group interdisciplinar, group leader, management of the EIS. The challenge of the EIS stop the scientific disciplines: recommendations with information limited, multidisciplinarity, subjective assessment. Phases of the EIS. (2 hours)
Block B. Legislation and normative of EIA 3. Legislation and administrative procedure of the EIA.- History of the EIA. Legislation of reference: European directives, national legislation and legislation of the Galician Community. Projects that owe to be object of EIA. Agents involved: promoter, environmental organ, substantive organ, public opinion. Administrative procedure. Information and public participation. (1 hour)
Block C. Manufacture of studies of environmental Impact. Methods of identification, prediction and evaluation of impacts. 4. Phase 1 and 2 of the EIS.- Description of the project: antecedents, location, actions. Examination of alternatives technically viable. (2 hours)
5. Phases 3 and 4 of theEIS: environmental Inventory; identification and prediction of impacts.- The environmental inventory only requires to apply the already gained knowledges; relevant subjects for EIS. Scoping as a tool in the environmental inventory: lists of review, surveys, queries to experts. Methods of identification of impacts: matrices of Leopold interaction , of secondary effects, crossed; lists of simple and descriptive control; systems of flow charts; Battelle system; maps overlay. (2 hours)
6. Abiotic factors (floor and underground waters, superficial waters, geological processes, climate, noise and light).- Election of the relevant factors , calculation of abiotic environmental indexes, methodology of measurement of abiotic factors. Identification and prediction of impacts. (2 hours)
7. Biotic factors (flora and vegetation, fauna, ecological processes).- Election of the relevant factors , calculation of biotic environmental indexes , methodology of measurement of biotic factors. Identification and prediction of impacts. (2 hours)
8. Landscape factors (agricultural uses).- Election of the relevant factors, calculation of landscape environmental indexes, methodology of measurement of lanscape factors. Identification and prediction of impacts. (2 hours)
9. Socioeconomic factors (historical, archaeologic, employment, economic cost of the degradation).- Election of the relevant factors , calculation of socioeconomic environmental indexes, methodology of measurement of socioeconomic factors. Identification and prediction of impacts. (2 hours)
10. Phase 4 of the EIS (continuation): assessment of impacts.- Quantitative assessment, qualitative assessment. Uncertainty of the assessment. Integration of impacts (functions of transformation). (4 hours)
11. Phase 5 of the EIS.- Establishment of protective and corrective measures of the EIS.- Program of environmental surveillance. (1 hour)
13. Phase 7 of the EIS.- Document of synthesis. (1 hour)
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