Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grado en Filología Aplicada Gallega y Española
  Idioma (B) Inglés IV
Tema Subtema
A. Writing skills 1. Write a response essay
2. Organize an essay
3. Hedge your claims: problem-solution essay
4. Paraphrase original sources: analysis essay
5. Summarize research for a research report
6. Write about causes and effects: cause-effect essay
7. Write counterarguments and refutations: argumentative essay
8. Write an opinion essay
B. Reading skills 1. Distinguish main ideas, supporting ideas, and details
2. Annotate text
3. Make inferences
4. Find evidence
5. Understand pronoun references
6. Distinguish counterarguments and refutations
7. Recognize a writer's point of view
8. Skimming and scanning
C. Critical thinking 1. Apply research findings
2. Rank factors
3. Understand hedging
4. Apply knowledge
5. Evaluate research claims
6. Be an active reader
7. Recognize bias
8. Synthesize information from different sources
D. Grammar for writing 1. Past perfect and past perfect continuous
2. The passive voice
3. Past with used to and would
4. Reduced non-essential adjective clauses
5. Noun modifiers
6. Cause and effect connectors
7. Articles
8. Combining modals
E. Academic vocabulary 1. Formal and informal language
2. Phrasal verbs with turn and wear
3. Prefixes pre-, re-
4. Base words and word roots
5. Suffixes -able, -ible
6. Prefixes il-,im-, ir-, in-, un-
7. Polysemy
8. Suffixes -ant/-ent, -ance/-ence
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