Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grao en Tradución e Interpretación
  Idioma moderno: Idioma 1, IV: Inglés
Tema Subtema
Use of English: Grammar and Vocabulary A. Grammar: Wishes and modal verbs; Unreal time and subjunctive clauses.
B. Vocabulary: idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations, register.
C: Word formation: prefixes, suffixes, compound adjectives, compound nouns from phrasal verbs.
D. Tasks used in the Cambridge proficiency examination: Open cloze exercises. word transformation task, gapped sentences, Key-word transformation, etc

Reading A. Comprehension of fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers, promotional and informational materials.
B. Understanding of written English at word, phrase (phrasal verb and idiomatic expressions), sentence, paragraph and whole text level.
C. Interpreting textual register, and writer/audience relationship concerning ideas, opinions, suggestions, and attitudes.
D. Understanding cohesion, structure and organization of the text.
Writing Formal Letter, Summary, Opinion Essay. Writing in academic and real world contexts.
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