Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grado en Lenguas Extranjeras
  Literatura e identidad cultural del primer idioma extranjero: Inglés
   Fuentes de información
Bibliografía Básica
Bibliografía Complementaria Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay, eds, Questions of cultural identity, Sage, 1996
Ian Angus, A border within : national identity, cultural plurality, and wilderness, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997
Montserrat Guibernau, The identity of nations, Polity Press, 2007
Vincent P. Pecora, ed., Nations and identities : classic readings, Blackwell, 2001
James Byrne, Padraig Kirwan, Michael O'Sullivan (eds.), Affecting Irishness: negotiating cultural identity within and beyond the nation, Peter Lang, 2009
Geoff Ward, The writing of America : literature and cultural identity from the Puritans to the present, Polity Press, 2002
David Morley and Kevin Robins, eds., British cultural studies : geography, nationality, and identity, Oxford University Press, 2001
Barbara Lalla, Jean D'Costa, and Velma Pollard, Caribbean literary discourse : voice and cultural identity in the Anglophone Caribbean, The University of Alabama Press, 2014
Richard Zumkhawala-Cook, Scotland as we know it : representations of national identity in literature, film and popular culture, McFarland & Co., 2008
Mike Storry and Peter Childs, eds., British cultural identities, Routledge, 1997
Andrew Simpson, ed., Language and national identity in Africa, Oxford University Press, 2008
Glenda Norquay and Gerry Smyth, eds., Across the margins : cultural identity and change in the Atlantic archipelago, Manchester University Press, 2002
Benson, Eugene and L.W. Conelly, eds., Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Literatures in English, 2nd ed., Routledge, 2005
Aleksandra Alund and Raoul Granqvist. eds., Negotiating identities : essays on immigration and culture in present-day Europe, Rodopi, 1995
Ledent, Bénédicte & Pilar Cuder, eds., New Perspectives on the Black Atlantic: Definitions, Readings, Practices, Dialogues, 1st ed., Peter Lang, 2012
H. Adlai Murdoch, Creolizing the metropole : migrant Caribbean identities in literature and film, ndiana University Press, 2012
Pnina Werbner and Tariq Modood, eds., Debating cultural hybridity : multi-cultural identities and the politics of anti-racism, Zed Books, 1997
Christina Julios, Contemporary British identity : English language, migrants and public discourse, Ashgate, 2008
David Bennett. ed., Multicultural states : rethinking difference and identity, Routledge, 1998
Belén Martín-Lucas and Andrea Ruthven, editors, Narratives of difference in globalized cultures : reading transnational cultural commodities, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Rodolfo D. Torres, Louis F. Mirâon, Jonathan Xavier Inda., eds., Race, identity, and citizenship : a reader, Blackwell Publishers, 1999
Andrew Simpson, ed., Language and national identity in Asia, Oxford University Press, 2007
Vincent J. Cheng, Inauthentic : the anxiety over culture and identity, Rutgers University Press, 2004
Walter Benn Michaels, The trouble with diversity : how we learned to love identity and ignore inequality, Henry Holt and Company/Metropolitan Books, 2007
Lyn Di Iorio Sandín, Killing Spanish : literary essays on ambivalent U.S. Latino-a identity, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
Stefano Harney, Nationalism and identity : culture and the imagination in a Caribbean diaspora, University of the West Indies / Zed Books, 1996
Juan Flores, From bomba to hip-hop : Puerto Rican culture and Latino identity, Columbia University Press, 2000
Homi K. Bhabha, The location of culture, Routledge, 2004
George E. Haggerty, Molly McGarry, eds., A companion to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer studies, Wiley, 2015
Vera Whisman, Queer by choice : lesbians, gay men, and the politics of identity, Routledge, 1996
Judith Butler, Gender trouble : feminism and the subversion of identity, Routledge, 2007
Tricia Clasen, Holly Hassel, eds., Gender(ed) identities : critical rereadings of gender in children's and young adult literature, Routledge, 2019
Efrat Tseëlon, Masquerade and identities : essays on gender, sexuality, and marginality, Routledge, 2001
Allison Weir, Feminist theory and the critique of identity, Routledge, 1996
Alexander G. Weheliye, Habeas viscus : racializing assemblages, biopolitics, and black feminist theories of the human, Duke University Press, 2014
Esther Saxey, Homoplot : the coming-out story and gay, lesbian and bisexual identity, Peter Lang, 2008
Evangelia Tastsoglou, Alexandra Dobrowolsky, eds., Women, migration and citizenship : making local, national, and transnational connections, Ashgate, 2006
Simon Lewis, British and African literature in transnational context, University Press of Florida, 2011
Caren J. Town, LGBTQ young adult fiction : a critical survey, 1970s-2010s, McFarland & Company, 2017
Avtar Brah, Cartographies of diaspora : contesting identities, Routledge, 1996
Uma Narayan, Dislocating cultures : identities, traditions, and Third-World feminism, Routledge, 1997
Feyza Bhatti, ed., Masculinity Studies : An Interdisciplinary Approach, IntechOpen, 2022
Josep M. Armengol and Àngels Carabí, eds., Debating masculinity, Men's Studies Press, 2009
Judith (Jack) Halberstam, Female masculinity, Zubaan, 2012
Peter Lehman, ed., Masculinity : bodies, movies, culture, Routledge, 2001
Stefan Horlacher, ed., Configuring masculinity in theory and literary practice, Brill, 2015
Jonathon S. Epstein, ed., Youth culture : identity in a postmodern world, Blackwell, 1998
Bradford W. Wright, Comic book nation : the transformation of youth culture in America, ohns Hopkins University Press, 2001
Michael Brake, Comparative youth culture : the sociology of youth cultures and youth subcultures in America, Britain and Canada, Routledge, 1985
H. Samy Alim, Awad Ibrahim, Alastair Pennycook, rds., Global linguistic flows : hip hop cultures, youth identities, and the politics of language, Routledge, 2009
Roxanne Harde, Lydia Kokkola / Roxanne Harde, Lydia Kokkola, eds., Título The Embodied Child: Readings in Children's Literature and Culture, Routledge, 2017
nastasia Ulanowicz, Second-generation memory and contemporary children's literature : ghost images, Routledge, 2018
Jack Zipes, Happily ever after : fairy tales, children and the culture industry, Routledge, 1997
John Stephens, ed., Ways of being male : representing masculinities in children's literature and film, Routledge, 2002
Christine Wilkie-Stibbs, The feminine subject in children's literature, Routledge, 2002
Kathryn Jame, Death, gender and sexuality in contemporary adolescent literature, Routledge, 2009
Maria Nikolajeva, Power, voice and subjectivity in literature for young readers, Routledge, 2012
Robyn McCallum, Ideologies of identity in adolescent fiction : the dialogic construction of subjectivity, Garland, 1999
Andrew King, Kathryn Almack and Rebecca L. Jones, eds., Intersections of ageing, gender and sexualities : multidisciplinary international perspectives, Policy Press, 2019
Mark T. Decker and Michael Austin, eds., Peculiar Portrayals Mormons on the Page, Stage and Screen, Utah State University, 2010
Sally Chivers., From Old Woman to Older Women Contemporary Culture and Women's Narratives, Ohio State University Press, 2003
Adrian Stanciu, Stereotype accommodation concerning older people, ohn Wiley & Sons,, 2022
Carmen Concilio, ed., Imagining ageing : representations of age and ageing in the anglophone literatures, Verlag, 2018
Rahel Rivera Godoy-Benesch, The Production of Lateness Old Age and Creativity in Contemporary Narrative, Tübingen Narr Francke Attempto, 2020
Rüdiger Kunow; Matthew Sweney; Heike Hartung, Ageing Masculinities, Alzheimer's and Dementia Narratives, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022
Sarah Falcus and Katsura Sako, Contemporary Narratives of Ageing, Illness, Care, Taylor & Francis, 2022
María Pilar Rodríguez, Txetxu Aguado, eds., Representaciones Artísticas y Sociales Del Envejecimiento, Dykinson, 2018
Lori Peek, Becoming Muslim: The Development of a Religious Identity, Oxford University Press, 2005
Michael Barkun, Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement, University of North Carolina Press, 1996
Helena Kupari, Elina Vuola, eds., Orthodox Christianity and gender : dynamics of tradition, culture and lived practice, Taylor & Francis, 2019
Nahid Afrose Kabi, Young American Muslims : dynamics of identity, Edinburgh University Press, 2013
Ashraf Hoque., Being Young, Male and Muslim in Luton, London UCL Press, 2019
Alister E. McGrath and Darren C. Marks, eds., The Blackwell companion to Protestantism, Blackwell, 2004
John Carter Wood, ed., Christianity and national identity in twentieth-century Europe : conflict, community, and the social order, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016
David Theo Goldberg, The racial state, Blackwell, 2002
Ari Y. Kelman, Jon A. Levisohn, eds., Beyond Jewish Identity : Rethinking Concepts and Imagining Alternatives, Academic Studies Press, 2020
Laurence J. Silberstein, ed., Mapping Jewish identities, New York University Press, 2000
Judith S. Goldstein, Inventing Great Neck : Jewish identity and the American dream, Rutgers University Press, 2006
Zvi Gitelman, Barry Kosmin, András Kovács, eds., New Jewish identities : contemporary Europe and beyond, Central European University Press, 2003
Judith Oster, Crossing cultures : creating identity in Chinese and Jewish American literature, University of Missouri Press, 2003
Wendy Brown, Regulating aversion : tolerance in the age of identity and empire, Princeton University Press, 2006
Erkan Toğuşlu, Johan Leman & İsmail Mesut Sezgin, eds., New Multicultural Identities in Europe Religion and Ethnicity in Secular Societies, Leuven University Press, 2014
Peter C. Mentzel, For God and Country Essays on Religion and Nationalism, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2021
Krzysztof Michalski, ed., Religion in the New Europe, Central European University Press, 2006
Lori G. Beaman and Steven Tomlins, Atheist Identities: Spaces and Social Contexts, Spriinger, 2015
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