Guia docente 2024_25
Centro Universitario da Defensa da Escola Naval Militar de Marín
Master Universitario en Dirección TIC para la defensa
  Master's thesis
Topic Sub-topic
Master's Final Dissertation Preparation and defence of a project in which the student integrates and applies the knowledge acquired during the course of the master's degree. The subject of the work must be related to the contents previously covered in one or more subjects of the programme, either from the common module or from the intensification that the student has taken. Thus, the work may correspond to one of the following thematic profiles:
1) Management and direction: Technical, organisational and/or economic studies relating to equipment, systems, services, etc., dealing with any of the aspects of design, planning, management and/or operation of ICT systems, including aspects of security management.

2) Technical: theoretical/practical, computational or experimental work, related to any of the technological aspects dealt with in the master's degree programme, whether in the field of telecommunications systems, information systems or security.

The contents of each project will be defined in individual proposals formulated by students or offered by lecturer-directors, as stated in article 10 of the regulations for the Master's Thesis. Each project will have a different content.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000