Guia docente 2024_25
Centro Universitario da Defensa da Escola Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Physics: Physics II
Topic Sub-topic
1. FIRST PRINCIPLE OF THERMODYNAMICS 1.1. Introduction. Temperature and thermal equilibrium. Calorimetry. Changes of state and ideal gas. Equations of state.
1.2. Thermodynamic systems.
1.3. Work done in compression and expasion processes.
1.4. First law of thermodynamics.
1.5. Thermodynamic transformations.
1.6. Thermodynamics of ideal gases.
2.2. The second law of thermodynamics.
2.3. Thermal cycles.
2.4. The Carnot cycle.
2.5. Entropy and physical interpretation.
2.6. Nerst's theorem. The third law of thermodynamics.
2.7. Perpetual motion of first and second species.
3. ELECTRIC FIELD I 3.1. Electric charge. Nature and units. Conductive and insulating materials.
3.2. Electrostatic forces. Coulomb's law. Electric field: Definition and units. Electric field originated by point charges.
Electric field caused by charge distributions.
3.3. Electrostatic flow. Application of Gauss's theorem to the determination of electrostatic fields in typical configurations.
3.4. Electrostatic force work. Electrostatic potential energy. Electric potential: Definition and units. Equipotential surfaces.
3.5. Electric potential originated by point charges or charge distributions. Electric field and potential in conductors and insulators. Case studies of typical configurations.
4. ELECTRIC FIELD II 4.1. Electric field vectors, polarization and electric displacement. Relative permittivity.
4.2 Electrostatic capacitance. Definition and units. Capacitors.
4.3 Capacitance of capacitors. Particular analysis of the plane, cylindrical and spherical cases.
4.4 Electrostatic energy.
5. ELECTRIC CURRENT 5.1. Charge transport under potential differences. Current intensity and current density. Definition and units.
5.2. Conductance and resistivity. Conductance and resistance. Definition and units. Ohm's law.
5.3. Electromotive force and circuits. Kirchoff's laws in resistive circuits.
5.4. Energy and power in electrical circuits.
6. MAGNETIC FIELD I 6.1 Introduction to magnetism. Oersted's experience. Sources of the magnetic field. Magnetic induction field originated by a moving charge and a current element. Biot-Savart law.
6.2. Calculation of the magnetic induction field caused by simple configurations of current: Rectilinear conductor of great length at a given distance and circular current loop at the points of its axis.
6.3. Mutual force between parallel rectilinear conductors. Definition of the Ampere in the International System.
6.4. Ampere's law. Applications: Very long solenoid and toroidal solenoid.
6.5. Magnetic fields in material media. Magnetic susceptibility and magnetization vectors and magnetic field strength.
6.6. Different types of materials according to the value of their magnetic susceptibility.
7. MAGNETIC FIELD II 7.1. Lorentz force.
7.2. Analysis of particular cases of motion of charges in magnetic fields. Applications.
7.3. Magnetic force on current-carrying conductors. Moment of forces on current loops. Dipole magnetic torque of a loop.
7.4. Applications: DC engine, electromagnetic pump and Hall effect.
8. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION 8.1. Electromotive force induced by magnetic field flux variations. Experimental introduction. Faraday-Henry's law of induction and Lenz's law.
8.2. Electromotive force induced by the movement of currents within magnetic fields. Applications: Dynamos and alternators.
8.3. Mutual induction between magnetic elements. Self-induction. Coefficients of self-induction and mutual induction. Units.
8.4. Energy stored by the magnetic field. Formulation in terms of magnetic fluxes and intensities. Applications.
9. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES 9.1. Review of Ampère's law.
9.2. Maxwell's equations.
9.3. Poynting vector.
9.4. Electromagnetic plane wave. Properties.
LABORATORY SESSIONS P1.- P-V relationship in a closed gas.
P2.- Instruments and methods of electrical measurements.
P3.- Capacitors.
P4.- Magnetic field I.
P5.- Electromagnetic induction.
Problem Solving Session I.
Problem Solving Session II.
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