Guia docente 2024_25
Centro Universitario da Defensa da Escola Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Computer science: Computing for engineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Project based learning The assessment of the programming project (practice 7) will be done by means of the following collection of strategies employed to value the process of project based learning:
- Assessment of initial design of the project: 5% (Competencies CG3 (B3), CG4 (B4), CE3 (C3), CT1 (D1), CT6 (D6), CT7 (D7), CT17 (D17)).
- Delivered final product (code and report): 30% (Competencies CG3 (B3), CG4 (B4), CE3 (C3), CT1 (D1), CT2 (D2), CT5 (D5), CT6 (D6), CT7 (D7), CT17 (D17)).
- Improvements carried out over the initial specification of the project: 5% (Competencies CG3 (B3), CG4 (B4), CE3 (C3), CT1 (D1), CT2 (D2), CT5 (D5), CT6 (D6), CT7 (D7), CT17 (D17)).
- Project defense (personal interview): Factor 0-1 (Competencies CG4 (B4), CE3 (C3), CT6 (D6), CT17 (D17)).

Since the project has to be evaluated so that it is guaranteed the individual work as well as the positive interdependence (this is, all the members of the group must have worked and contributed to the final product and have to control all the aspects of the project), in the defence session, any member of the group must be able to answer to any question regarding the project. All of them must show, therefore, deep knowledge of the delivered product, independently of the part on which they had focused their efforts. The project defense will allow the lecturers to assess the degree of involvement in its development and the defense result will be a factor that will multiply the qualification corresponding to 35% of the project (except for the design) so that, if the group is not capable of answering the questions posed, this factor will be zero, nullifying the qualification obtained. On the contrary, if the group defends the submitted project well, said factor will be 1 and will consolidate its rating.
40 B3
Systematic observation The participation and attitude of the student will be assessed during all the semester in theoretical classes and seminars as well as contributions in the online teaching platform. 5 B4
Essay questions exam Written exam: theoretical questions and problems
The main goal of this exam is to assess the learning of all of the theoretical contents of the course. This exam must be complete, i.e., it will cover all of the contents, since the main goal is to assess what students know about the subject in general, not of a part of it. Second, the exam has to consist in a series of questions that make the conceptual and logical reasoning prevail, in order to verify the intellectual maturity of the students to obtain conclusions from the notions or the exposed theories in class.
35 B3
Essay questions exam The evaluation of the practices (with the exception of the practice 7 - project of programming) will be carried out through an examination of questions where it will be assessed the knowledge acquired by the student in the laboratory. This way, the instructor will ask about any aspect related to the practices implementation. 20 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

The evaluation criteria of each section will be published at the beginning of the semester.

The final assessment of student will be the sum of the punctuation awarded to each one of the before commented parts, being their grade of continuous evaluation (CEG): 

However, some minimum requirements in any of the sections will be demanded to guarantee the balance between all the types of competencies. Those requirements are: 
1. To get at least a 5 over 10 in the project evaluation. 
2. To get at least a 4 over 10 in the theory exam. 

Those students that do not fulfil any of the previous requirements, will have to attend to the ordinary examination to be able to pass the course, and their grade of continuous evaluation will be calculated as follows: 
FINAL_CEG = min(4,CEG). 

All those students that wish to improve their qualification (obtained by continuous evaluation) will be able to attend to the ordinary exam.

So much in the ordinary exam as in the extraordinary (July) all the competencies of the course will be evaluated. Thus, said examinations will include a practical programming test in the laboratory. Once finished the second semester, an intensive course (15 hours long) is organized to prepare the extraordinary exam.


Students are expected to show adequate ethical behaviour, committing to act honestly. Based on article 42.1 of the Regulation on the evaluation, qualification and quality of teaching and the student learning process of the University of Vigoany violation of academic integrity in the assessment process, as well as the cooperation in it will result in the assignment of a failing grade to the student (zero) for the entire course in the corresponding assessment opportunity, regardless of the percentage of importance that the test in question had in the overall continuous assessment, and independently of other disciplinary actions that may be applied.

In the academic activities and assignments of this course, the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) tools is allowed, used in an ethical, critical and responsible manner. In case you have used GAI, you should critically evaluate any results it provides, carefully verify any citations or references generated, and declare the use of these tools. It is not necessary to disclosure the use of GAI in tasks that do not produce content (proofreading language   - spelling or grammar - in a document, translating text, obtaining suggestions to reorganize content or modify the style of a document, or to adapt the format of bibliographic references). AI-generated content (text, images, etc.) must be disclosured and correctly referenced, providing, at least, the following elements: generated content, prompt used in the query, tool used, version, company authoring the software, date on which the query was made and the link to the tool's website. The detection of situations involving non-disclosure of GAI will be considered academic fraud and the measures described in the previous paragraph will be applied.

In the case of any difference between the Galician/Spanish/English guides related to the evaluation, the Spanish guide will always prevail.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000