Guia docente 2024_25
Centro Universitario de la Defensa de la Escuela Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Physics: Physics 1
Topic Sub-topic
1.- Physical quantities and measurement 1.1 Magnitudes, quantities, units and measurements.
1.2 Dimensional homogeneity.
1.3 The International System. Universal constants and characteristics.
1.4 Theory of errors.
2.- Vector Calculus 2.1 Vectors. Types.
2.2 Coordinate Systems.
2.3 Operations with vectors.
2.4 Scalar and vector fields.
2.5 Central fields. Newtonian fields.
2.6 Integral theorems of vector analysis.
3.- Particle kinematics 3.1 Fundamental concepts: position vector, velocity, acceleration.
3.2 Study of some types of motion.
3.3 Relative motion.
4.- Particle dynamics 4.1 Forces and interactions.
4.2 Fundamental principles of mechanics: Newton's Laws.
4.3 Conservation principles.
4.4 Diagrams of the free solid.
4.5 Applications of Newton's Laws.
5.- Work and energy 5.1 Work and power.
5.2 Kinetic energy.
5.3 Gravitational and elastic potential energy.
5.4 Conservative and non-conservative forces. Law of conservation of energy.
5.5 Principle of least action.
6.- Dynamics of a particle system 6.1 Center of masses. Equation of motion of the center of masses.
6.2 Linear momentum of a particle system. Conservation theorem. Impulse.
6.3 Angular momentum of a particle system.
6.4 Kinetic energy of a particle system. Conservation theorem.
6.5 Law of conservation of energy of a particle system.
6.6 Collisions.
7.- Rotation and dynamics of a rigid body 7.1 Kinematics of rotation.
7.2 Energy in rotational motion.
7.3 Moment of inertia. Steiner's theorem.
7.4 Rotational dynamics of a solid.
7.5 Angular momentum. Conservation theorem.
7.6 Gyroscopes.
8.- Static equilibrium and elasticity 8.1 Equilibrium conditions. Ligatures. Center of gravity.
8.2 Examples of static equilibrium in rigid solids.
8.3 Stresses, deformation and modulus of elasticity.
8.4 Elasticity and plasticity.
9.- Fluid mechanics 9.1 Density.
9.2 Pressure in a fluid.
9.3 Fundamental principles of Fluidostatics. Archimedes principle.
9.4 Continuity equation.
9.5 Bernoulli's equation.
10.- Vibrations 10.1 Periodic motions.
10.2 Simple harmonic motion (s.h.m.).
10.3 Force and energy of a simple harmonic oscillator.
10.4 The simple physical pendulum.
10.5 Damped free oscillations.
10.6 Forced oscillations. Resonance.
11.- Wave motion 11.1 Concept of wave.
11.2 Wave motion. General study.
11.3 Energy of wave motion.
11.4 Wave interference.
11.5 Standing waves.
PRACTICES OF LABORATORY P1 Measure and calculation of errors.
P2 Resolution of problems. Cinematics.
P3 Dynamics.
P4 Centre of masses and dynamic of a system of particles.
P5 Dynamics of the rigid solid.
P6 Resolution of problems. Static balance.
P7 Vibrations and waves.
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