Guia docente 2023_24
Centro Universitario de la Defensa de la Escuela Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Elasticity and additional topics in resistance of materials
   Contingency plan

In front of the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the sanitary alert caused by the COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will activate in the moment in that the administrations and the own institution determine it attending to criteria of security, health and responsibility, and guaranteeing the teaching in a no face-to-face stage or partially face-to-face. These already scheduled measures guarantee, in the moment that was prescriptive, the development of the teaching of a more agile and effective way when being known in advance (or with enough advance) by the students and the faculty members through the tool normalised and institutionalised of the educational guides.


* Teaching methodologies to be modified


It adds a new teaching methodology:

Lecture and/or synchronous virtual practice session: Delivered through a web-based videoconferencing platform. Each virtual classroom contains various display panels and components, the design of which can be customized to best suit the needs of the class. In the virtual classroom, teachers (and those authorized participants) can share their computer screen or files, use a whiteboard, chat, stream audio and video, or participate in interactive online activities (polls, questions, etc.).

* Non-face-to-face student service mechanism (tutorials)

Tutorials will be held in a virtual office on the Uvigo remote campus.

* Modifications (if applicable) of the contents to be taught

Section 6 CONTENTS: The laboratory sessions PL1, PL2, PL3 and PL6 are developed using equipment present in the laboratories. These practices, as far as possible, would be replaced by demonstrative tasks, resolution of exercises and/or practical cases that allow the student to achieve the objectives set for these practices. Practices PL4 and PL5 require computer programs for their realization. If the license of the programs and the capacities of the computer equipment of the students allow it, these practices would be maintained or adapted to achieve the objectives set for these practices. The laboratory session PL7, on the other hand, allows the adaptation to the online modality in a simpler way since it is oriented to the reinforcement of topic 6 by solving problems applying energy theorems.


* Test that they modify

Separated 10: EVALUATION: The evaluation tests would be carried out by combining the Moovi online teaching platform and the Remote Campus of the University of Vigo.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000