Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Dirección e Xestión Pública
Grado en Dirección y Gestión Pública
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Practicum, External practices and clinical practices The student develops the activities in a context related to the exercise of a profession, during a certain period, carrying out the functions assigned and foreseen in the internship proposal. In the case of the Practicum, these practices are included in studies that lead to certain regulated professions. Clinical practices are developed in a context related to health sciences.
Mentored work The student, individually or in groups, prepares a paper on the subject of matter or prepare seminars, research, memoirs, essays, summaries of readings, lectures, etc.. Generally it is an autonomous activity of the student that includes finding and collecting information, reading and literature management, writing ...
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