Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Dirección e Xestión Pública
Grado en Dirección y Gestión Pública
  Administration Statistics

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It will be necessary for the development of the course that the lecturer has an up-to-date photograph of the students who will need to access the platform at the beginning of the course, and always before September 30th. The sole purpose of handling this data is to allow the professor to verify the identity of the students enrolled in the course. The legal basis for processing this data lies in Article 6.1and) of the RXPD, where the processing is deemed necessary for the exercise of public power granted to the data controller under Article 9 of Law 39/2015, dated October 1st, concerning the common administrative procedure of public administrations, and under Article 25.7 of RD 1791/2010, dated December 30th, which approves the Statute of the University Student. Access to the images and personal data of the students is restricted to the respective subject professor for the purpose of conducting the academic activities outlined in this educational guide. This information must not be used or shared for any other purpose and must be kept confidential. For more information, visit:
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000