Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Dirección e Xestión Pública
Grado en Dirección y Gestión Pública
  Political Science: Public Policies
Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1. Public policies

1.1. Public policies in their context. The welfare state and the reformulation of the Weberian model.
1.2. Origin and development of public policy studies.
1.3. Definition of public policy. Types of public policies.
1.4. Phases of public policies.
Topic 2. The actors in the policy process

2.1. Definition of actor. Resources, objectives and roles.
2.2. Policies as interaction between actors: pluralism, corporatism and networks.
Topic 3. Definition of the problem

3.1. The political agenda: the conversion of the social problem into a political issue.
3.2. The construction of the political problem.
Topic 4. Policy design and approach
public. Decision making

4.1. Decision making: rational and incremental models.
4.2. Alternatives for action: prospective analysis and setting of objectives and measures.
Topic 5. Implementation of public policies
5.1. Definition of implementation.
5.2. Evolution of implementation studies. The "top-down" and "bottom-up" models.
Topic 6. The evaluation of public policies

6.1. Definition and objectives of the evaluation.
6.2. Types of evaluation and utilities.
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