Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Dirección e Xestión Pública
Grado en Dirección y Gestión Pública
  Political Science: Institutions and Policies of the European Union
   Sources of information
Basic Bibliography
Complementary Bibliography Peterson, John, The Institutions Of The European Union, 2, LawBooksellers, 2022
Hix, S.-Bjørn Høyland, The Political System of the European Union, 9781350325470, 4ª, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022
Ramona Coman, Amandine Crespy, Vivien A. Schmidt, Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Unio, 9781108612609, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Mangas Martin, A. Liñán Nogueras, D., Instituciones Y Derecho De La Union Europea, 843097959X, 10ª, Tecnos, 2020
Usherwood, S.- Pinder, J., The European Union: A Very Short Introduction, 9780198808855, Oxford University Press, 2018
Calvo Hornero, A., Fundamentos de la Unión Europea, Ramón Areces, 2019
Cordal, C. y Pardellas, X., Política e economía da Unión Europea, 1, Serv. Pub UVigo, 2016
Escobar Hernández, C, Instituciones de la Unión Europea, 1, Tirant lo Blanch, 2012
Ramiro, D.-Martín de la Guardia, M.- Perez, G., The European Union and its Political Leaders, 1, Springer, 2022
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