Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Dirección e Xestión Pública
Grado en Dirección y Gestión Pública
  Political Science: Institutions and Policies of the European Union
Topic Sub-topic
1. Approximation to the current European Union 1.1 basic Data envelope to UE
1.2 Panoramic comparative
1.3 Enlargement of the UE
2. Political history of the European integration 2.1 Main historical phases of the process of integration (1950-2022)
2.2 The EU in the 21st century: future perspectives and challenges
3. The European Union: concepts and theories 3.1 Theories on the European integration
3.2 What is the EU? Theoretical approaches
3.3 EU like international organisation
3.4 EU like political system.
3.5 EU like system of governance.
3.6 Theories and policies
4. Institutions and organs of the European Union 4.1 Institutions
4.1.1 European Council.
4.1.2 Council of the European Union
4.1.3 European Commission
4.1.4 European Parliament
4.1.5 Court of Justice
4.1.6 Central Bank European
4.1.7 Other institutions: Court of Accounts
4.2 Organs of the EU.
4.3 The agencies of the EU
4.4 The European public function
5. The policy-making process and policies in the European Union 5.1 How does it decides in the EU? Ways and characteristics
5.2 Ordinary Legislative Procedure: institutional interactions
5.3 Key Actors and informal dynamics.
5.4 Implementation of policies
6. The legal acts of the European Union 6.1 Types of European laws: primary and secondary law.
6.2 Types of secondary legal acts: regulations, directives and decisions.
6.3 The jurisprudence of the Court of Justice.
6.4 Other types: international treaties and general legal principles.
6.5 The relation between the European Law and the state: direct effect and primacy principles.
6.6 The application of the European norms (reference)
7. General presentation of the European policies 7.1 Introduction
7.2 Origins and historical evolution
7.3 Types of European policies
7.4 European policies and domestic political systems: the europeanization
8. Public politics: regulation, stabilisation and redistribution 8.1 internal Market: policy regulation and policy of competition
8.2 Commercial Policy
8.3 Monetary policy
8.4 Fiscal Policy
8.5 Agricultural Policy
8.6 Regional and Cohesion Policy
8.7 Social Policy
8.8 Fishing Policy
8.9 Enviromental Policy
8.10 Justice and Domestic affairs (asile, immigration, control of borders and police and judicial cooperation)
8.11 The European Union as a global player: external policy and of European security
8.12 Other politics (reference)
9. The European budget 9.1 Historical Evolution
9.2 Revenues and expenditures
9.3 Pluriannual Financial Frame
9.4 Annual budgetary Procedure
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