Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Fisioterapia
Máster Universitario en Ejercicio terapéutico en fisioterapia
  Metodoloxía da investigación
   Personalized assistance
Methodologies Description
Lecturing In addition to the attention to students in the established tutorials and depending on the topic to be addressed, students will also be served via email and the remote campus platform at the times available and agreed by both parties. The aim of personalized attention will be to answer any questions that may arise regarding the subject and / or to advise in academic and professional matters in those cases that so request.
Case studies In addition to the attention to students in the established tutorials and depending on the topic to be addressed, students will also be served via email and the remote campus platform at the times available and agreed by both parties. The aim of personalized attention will be to answer any questions that may arise regarding the subject and / or to advise in academic and professional matters in those cases that so request.
Collaborative Learning In addition to the attention to students in the established tutorials and depending on the topic to be addressed, students will also be served via email and the remote campus platform at the times available and agreed by both parties. The aim of personalized attention will be to answer any questions that may arise regarding the subject and / or to advise in academic and professional matters in those cases that so request.
Practices through ICT In addition to the attention to students in the established tutorials and depending on the topic to be addressed, students will also be served via email and the remote campus platform at the times available and agreed by both parties. The aim of personalized attention will be to answer any questions that may arise regarding the subject and / or to advise in academic and professional matters in those cases that so request.
Mentored work In addition to the attention to students in the established tutorials and depending on the topic to be addressed, students will also be served via email and the remote campus platform at the times available and agreed by both parties. The aim of personalized attention will be to answer any questions that may arise regarding the subject and / or to advise in academic and professional matters in those cases that so request.
Discussion Forum In addition to the attention to students in the established tutorials and depending on the topic to be addressed, students will also be served via email and the remote campus platform at the times available and agreed by both parties. The aim of personalized attention will be to answer any questions that may arise regarding the subject and / or to advise in academic and professional matters in those cases that so request.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000