Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Fisioterapia
Grado en Fisioterapia
  Pilates applied in physiotherapy
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Portfolio / dossier Attendance at a minimum of 80% of the classes is compulsory. Anyone who misses more than 4 hours of theory class, must pass the subject by means of a multiple-choice test described in "other comments on the evaluation".
At the end of each class, or when it is established according to the activity carried out, the evidence of evidence of the work carried out during the class, or when established according to the activity carried out. the same.
There will be 9 different activities and each of them will have a value between 0 and 0.3 points. 0.3 points and, as a minimum, each student must provide evidence of 7 of them. of them. Otherwise, they will have to take the final test.
At the end of the theoretical classes, each student will have to hand in a evaluation document of the subject and of the work developed, as well as a self-evaluation of a self-evaluation of himself/herself. This document will contain at least the following sections following sections: degree of attendance to the theoretical classes, degree of compliance with the activities activities carried out, the two activities they liked the most and the two they liked the liked the most and the two they liked the least, recommendations for the future and personal self-evaluation (grade they think they deserve). This evaluation will have a value between 0 and 0.3 points.
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Essay The completion of the work is compulsory in order to pass the subject.
It will be handed in on a computer support to the teaching staff or the MooVi teledocency platform ( will be used, uploading it to the space that the group will have in the same within the subject.
Half of the mark for the work will correspond to the written report and the video delivered, and the other half will correspond to the class presented to the teacher and the classmates in the practical group.
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Simulation or Role Playing Examination where each student will lead 3 exercises (1 on machines and 2 on mat) in a practical way (10 minutes per exercise). The exercises will be chosen at random by the students themselves from the set of exercises done during the course.
At the end of the Pilates classes on machines, a practical exam will be given for this part of the course (this question will be removed on the date that corresponds to it in May-June). All questions will be graded from 0 to 10 points.
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Other comments on the Evaluation
Students who do not pass the subject will keep the part passed for the second chance exam of the same academic year (part passed means having a 5 out of 10 or more in each of the parts that make up the assessment, which means, at least, having 1.5 points in the portfolio and the practical exam, and 2 points in the work).
Those who do not fulfil the obligations indicated in the portfolio section will have to take a quiz final exam. Characteristics of the exam: 40 single-choice questions (maximum duration of 1 hour); all questions will have the same value. To pass, the student will have to achieve at least 1.50 points (corresponding to a 5 on a scale of 0 to 10 points). Blank answers will not be deducted, but wrong answers will be deducted, as indicated in the following formula: Marks = [correct answers - (errors/no. options-1) / no. questions] - 10
Those who do not pass the essay will have to do an individual essay in the 2nd opportunity exam, consisting of a class on a clinical case proposed by the teacher of the subject. This work will have a written part and an audiovisual part (2 points maximum in each of these parts), but not a public presentation.
In the event that the student does not pass each of the parts of the subject, and even if the average gives a pass mark, he/she will fail the subject and a grade of 4.5 will be given in the transcript of records.
The Teaching Guide follows the "Regulations on the evaluation, grading and quality of teaching and of the student learning process of the student learning process", approved by the Cloister of 18 April 2023, as well as the specific adaptations for the Degree in for the Degree in Physiotherapy determined by the Board of the Centre.
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