Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Fisioterapia
Grado en Fisioterapia
  General physiotherapy I
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam 20 single answer questions (maximum duration 25 minutes); all questions shall be of equal same value.
In addition, it should be noted that blanks will not count against the number of questions left blank, but wrong answers will be counted, as indicated in the following formula:
Marking = [correct answers - (errors/no. of options-1) / no. of questions] - 10
15 B3
Essay questions exam Theoretical examination of 5 short questions (maximum duration 60 minutes). All questions will have the same value.
If you do not do the puzzle activity at the beginning of the subject, you will have to take one more question in the theory exam on the content covered in the puzzle activity.
25 B3
Simulation or Role Playing Examination where each student will answer 2 questions (1 on hydrotherapy, worth 1.5 points, and 1 on deep transverse massage, thermotherapy or cryotherapy, worth 1 point). The question to be answered will be chosen at random by The question to be answered will be chosen at random by the students themselves from among the set of cases that were course on these contents.
This exam will take place at the end of the teaching period corresponding to the subject (December).
All questions will be graded from 0 to 10 points.
25 A2
Simulation or Role Playing Examination where each student will answer 2 questions (1 of massotherapy or myofascial myofascial release, worth 2.5 points, and 1 on manual lymphatic drainage, worth 1 point). The question to be answered will be chosen at random by the students themselves from the set of cases that were made throughout the course on these contents.
This exam will take place on the official date that corresponds to the subject in January.
All questions will be graded from 0 to 10 points.
35 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation
Students opting for continuous assessment will be assessed as described above and with the percentages indicated:
- multiple-choice exam in mid-October, provided that the contents had been taught.
- developmental questions exam at the end of the term (November-December), provided that the contents had been taught.
- practical exam 1, at the end of the term (December). In order to take this exam, the student had to previously sit the two theory exams.
- practical exam 2, on the official date corresponding to the subject (January).

In the continuous assessment, to obtain an average in theoretical part of the subject, at least a 4 out of 10 must be obtained; in the practical part, a 4 out of 10 must be obtained in each of the questions. In order to obtain an average between the theoretical and practical parts of the subject, students will have to achieve at least a 5 in each of them. 

Students who do not pass the subject will keep the part passed for the second opportunity exam of the same academic year (part passed means having a 5 out of 10 or more in the exam). 

In the event that the student does not pass each of the parts of the subject (theory or practical), and even if the average gives a pass mark, he/she will fail the subject and will be given a mark of 4.5 in the report.

On the other hand, those students who decide to opt for a global evaluation, this will initially be done on the official dates of the subject (January) and will consist of:
- a theoretical exam of development questions composed of 8 short questions and a maximum duration of 90 minutes. In this exam, all the questions will have the same value (each one will be valued from 0 to 10 points). The value of this exam will be 40% of the total grade for the subject.
- a practical exam of 4 scenarios carried out under the same conditions as those described in the continuous assessment and carrying the same weighting in the overall mark for the practical examination described therein. The value of this exam will be 60% of the total grade for the subject.

As in the case of continuous assessment, in order to pass the subject, the student will have to pass both parts, theoretical and practical (obtaining a 5 out of 10 or more in each of them) and in order to obtain an average in each part, he/she will have to achieve at least a 4 out of 10 in the theoretical exams and in each of the practical questions that comprise it. 

If the student does not pass the subject, the part passed will be kept for the second opportunity exam of the same academic year with the same criteria as the continuous assessment, and, if the student does not pass the theoretical and practical part of the subject, and even if the average gives a pass mark, he/she will fail the subject and a mark of 4.5 will be given in the report.

The Teaching Guide follows the "Regulations on the evaluation, grading and quality of teaching and the student learning process", approved by the Cloister on 18 April 2023, as well as the specific adaptations for the Degree in Physiotherapy determined by the Board of the Centre.
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