Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Fisioterapia
Grado en Fisioterapia
  Human anatomy: Medical conditions
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Theoretical knowledge:
Objective questions exam, in which each question will have four answer options, and only one of them will be valid. Each correctly answered question will count 1 point; those left blank will not deduct points; each wrong answer will subtract 0.25. The note will correspond to the scale between 0 and 10, and the pass will be in the middle of the score: 5.
80 A2
Problem and/or exercise solving Seminars:
Assistance and active participation of students in the development of seminars; In addition, the students will prepare, individually, an outline and summary of the topic that will be worked on in the seminar, and it will be delivered at the end of it, personally or through the tele-teaching platform of the University of Vigo. In some seminars, written questions will be asked that must be answered in them.
20 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation
The exam of the theoretical knowledge of the subjects of the Nervous System + Digestive System will count for 40%.

The exam of the theoretical knowledge of the issues of Respiratory System + Cardiocirculatory System will count for 40%.

To pass the subject, it is necessary to pass the two parts (theory and seminars) independently. If only one of the parts is approved, that approval is kept within the same academic year (until July), but not from one course to the next.

CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT: It is the preferred option and the one offered by default. In the continuous assessment, the students will perform:

* A partial exam of theoretical knowledge once half of the theoretical content has been completed (Nervous System + Digestive System): it will count for 40% of the final grade; It will be carried out within the schedule assigned to the classes of the subject. If it is suspended, it cannot be recovered in the ordinary call and it will go with this part to the exam of the 2nd opportunity.

* Another partial exam of theoretical knowledge in the ordinary call (Respiratory System + Cardiocirculatory System): it will count for 40% of the final grade.

* Seminars: they will be evaluated as explained in the upper section.

GLOBAL EVALUATION (if the continuous evaluation is waived): Students who do not want to follow the continuous evaluation must notify it in writing, following the procedure established in the Faculty of Physiotherapy. Waiving continuous assessment must be done in the 5th week of teaching, which means that the global assessment established in the subject will be assumed. Once the resignation to the continuous evaluation has been made, there will be no right to it; Choosing the global assessment modality means waiving the right to continue evaluating the activities of the continuous assessment modality that remain to be done and the qualification obtained up to that moment in any of the tests that have already taken place.

In this case, partial exams will not be carried out. There will be a global evaluation test: a theoretical knowledge exam on the official date of the ordinary call, which will count for 80% of the final grade. To this score will be added 20% of the mark of the seminars, evaluated as explained in the upper section.

2nd CHANCE EVALUATION: It is an extraordinary evaluation, of recovery of the subject, or parts of it, failed.

The students who have done continuous evaluation and have failed any of the partial exams, should only be examined from them. It will have the same evaluation criteria as in the ordinary call in this modality.

The students who have renounced the continuous evaluation and have adhered to the global evaluation, will have the same evaluation criteria as in the ordinary call in this modality.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000