Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Comunicación
Máster Universitario en Comunicación en Medios Sociales y Creación de Contenidos Digitales
  Content management, edition and publishing with CMS
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay Creating a fully functional web page with WordPress 40 C11
Systematic observation Attendance and participation in the classroom and / or in scheduled activities. 20 B1
Essay Creating a landing page from the most basic start using HTML CSS and the web resources focused on the theoretical sessions 40 C11
Other comments on the Evaluation

Other comments on Evaluation:

1. Considerations about continuous assessment.

By default, students undergo continuous assessment.

To pass the subject, it is necessary to obtain a minimum of 50% of the score in each of the indicated methodologies/tests. If the minimum score is not achieved, the student will not pass the subject and will be recorded as failed in that examination session with the least detrimental grade for their academic record.

No averaging is done for any section if the minimum score is not achieved (50% of the total for each methodology).

Attendance is mandatory for both theory and practical classes. Students must attend the subject regularly (a minimum of 80% of the classes). If this threshold is not met, they will lose the right to be evaluated in the first examination session. Attendance is assessed using the systematic observation methodology.

In the second and subsequent examination sessions, each assignment will have a weight of 50%, and systematic observation will not be evaluated.

2. Brief description of the second opportunity.

Students enrolled in continuous assessment must pass, in the second examination session, the assignments that they did not pass with at least 50% of the minimum score in the first examination session.

Students enrolled in global assessment must undergo, in the second examination session, the same conditions described in the global assessment. That is, they will have the same evaluation system described in point 3 of these instructions.

To coordinate the second opportunity, students who need to undergo this assessment must contact the responsible teacher of the subject, who will establish the relevant tests either through Moovi or in person during the established and approved date by the Faculty Board.

The conditions for the second opportunity described here apply to the rest of the subsequent examination sessions.

3. Brief description of the global assessment.

Students who wish to do so and formally request it within the established deadline and mechanisms by the Dean's Office have the right to global assessment. For this purpose, it is advisable to review the information provided by the institution.

The global assessment test will be carried out on the date established by the institution and approved by the Faculty Board. It will systematically evaluate the methodologies and tests established in the course guide for the second examination session and will have a total duration of 5 hours.

In case of enabling the prior submission of assignments, it must be agreed upon with the person responsible for the subject well in advance.

4. Other considerations

For everything not covered and/or detailed in this guide, the instructions of the REGULATION ON EVALUATION, GRADING, AND QUALITY OF TEACHING AND THE STUDENTS' LEARNING PROCESS (Approved by the faculty on April 18, 2023) will be taken as reference.

The course guide presents the general overview of the subject. Due to space limitations and the inability to upload additional documentation on the Docnet platform, specific details will be managed through the Moovi platform.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000