Guia docente 2023_24
Facultad de Comunicación
Máster Universitario en Dirección pública y liderazgo institucional
  Unión Europea: Instituciones y políticas
Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1. The process of European construction: origin and evolution.
1.1. Introduction to the European Union
1.2. Genesis of the European idea.
1.3. Stages of the European construction
Topic 1. The institutional system of the European Union.
2.1. Basic notions of the political and legal system of the European Union
2.2. The main institutions: European Commission, European Parliament, Council of the Union, European Council.
23. Other institutions, organisms and specialized agencies
Topic 2. Policies of the European Union I. 3.1. The Public Policies of the EU.
3.2. The Common Agricultural Policy.
3.3. The Common Fisheries Policy.
3.4. Regional Policy and Territorial Cohesion.
3.5. Social and Employment Policy.
Topic 2. Policies of the European Union II. 4.1 Monetary Policy.
4.2 The Environmental Policy.
4.3 The Common Foreign and Security Policy.
4.4. Cooperation and development aid policy.
4.5. Other EU policies.
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